View Full Version : biobest Free Sampling Kits? DNA sexing, disease tests

07-22-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi wasn't sure where to put this question :S

I was looking up tests to do on my lovies and rosella and came across this. http://www.biobest.co.uk/diagnostics/species/birds/free-sampling-kits.html

I'd be interested to actually know what gender rainbow (rosella) is and some of my unknown gender lovies (so far I've just been judging by behaviour but i know i can't count on that!) haha I got my lovebird marley as a young bird from breeder and she thought marley could be a boy but wasnt sure. It didn't really bother me as I wasn't looking for a proven male. anyway I got used to calling marley a him and a year later marley laid an egg... 6 actually. lol I still sometimes say "he" when talking about marley then realise marleys actually now a girl (was the whole time). :rolleyes:

Well these home test biobest kits came up when I searched and they are apparently "Free sampling kits" and you can choose what you need them for (DNA or disease) and how many, then send them off. but I thought it was a bit strange that they are ?free?

so I was just wondering if they are actually free. the only reason i could think of would be that the kits are free and you have to pay to get the results.

oh and does anyone know of any other test kits? I'd like one that i can use a feather sample...i don't like the idea of cutting a nail short etc.

thanks! :) ...just thought I could actually just take them to an avian vet.

07-22-2012, 09:21 AM
the only reason i could think of would be that the kits are free and you have to pay to get the results.
That's exactly how it works. The company supplies the sexing kits. You return them with the samples for testing and a check to cover the cost. The vet does exactly the same thing; takes the samples and charges you for the testing, and sends it off to a lab for processing. The difference between doing it yourself and having your avian vet do it is the cost. The vet will add to the price, as the practice needs revenue, too, to stay in business. :)

I normally do my own testing and you can look on the site to see if they offer feather sexing. Many companies will offer online results, as well as mailing them to you should you request it.

07-23-2012, 10:18 AM
ah okay thanks that makes sense :) I don't really need to get them DNA'd but just incase its good to know. :)