View Full Version : new to forum and lovie

07-23-2012, 07:29 AM
hi everyone!! im from singapore. i just recently found this forum and its the best i can say :D

i just bought a baby lovebird from a bird shop 6 days ago. still hand feeding it. my family members are all working so am i but we took turns to feed it. but my concern is does anyone in this forum having this problem like your baby striking your fingers in fast motion making alot of noise like its gonna bite you but instead it just nibble them? and it kept sleeping, im worried that its sick.

could anyone advise me is this normal?
i apologise for my bad english

07-23-2012, 08:27 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you here! No need to apologize for your English. We understand that English is not the first language for all of our members and we ask questions if we don't completely understand something. We are definitely here to help you.

As for your question on your baby lovebird. What you are seeing is normal for babies, especially young ones who have been taken away from everything that is familiar to them. Your baby is scared and that's how he tries to protect himself. He doesn't know yet that you will not hurt him so just be patient and loving with him. Since he's still young, some extra cuddling and love will go a long way to make him feel safe. :)

07-23-2012, 08:38 AM
thank you linda and thanks for the reply.
he just fell asleep nibbling my finger lol..

heres the pics

may i know how many weeks old is my lovie?

07-23-2012, 10:12 AM
Oh my goodness! He's a cute little one! :) Hard to tell from just baby feathering but he's probably either an Aqua or a Turquoise Peachfaced. You really won't be able to tell until the first molt starts at age 16 weeks.

Based on the first photo and the last one, he's right between 4.5 - 5 weeks old. He stands very well and his tail feathers are only about half grown in. Tail feathers are the last ones to reach full length and that happens by age 6 weeks.

The dark color on his beak will get lighter and will fade to a adult horn color by the time he's 14 weeks (3.5 months) old. Two weeks later, you will see the adult feathering begin to show on his facial mask on his forehead. He will have his adult coloring completely by the time he's 5-6 months old.

Parent fed babies are usually weaned and eating on their own by the time they are 8 weeks old. Hand fed ones take longer, especially when there's only one. They learn from each other but this one has to learn by himself. Lovebirds are very social so when you offer him food to eat, you may want to have a dish of food that is with you or near you, at least until he gets the idea, while he's learning to eat. Don't be too quick to stop offering formula. When he's eating on his own, the problem is that he needs to be eating enough to keep himself alive. When you get him down to one feeding a day, continue to offer the formula even if he refuses it until he's refused it for 2 days in a row.

07-23-2012, 10:29 AM
haha thanks yeah money is such a darling. i think now hes eating abit lesser then what he is taking in now well i guess he starts to run ard when hes full and i will tell him to eat just abit more and he does put the food in his mouth and shake them all over the floor lol

07-23-2012, 11:35 AM
How warm is the temperature of the formula when you feed him? Older babies are temperature sensitive and many will eat less if it's too cool. When mom feeds, the food is right around 106F (41.1C) so it needs to be at least that warm. Many babies like it warmer so I use a range of 106F - 108F (41.1C - 42.2C) and it will usually make a difference. He should be eating 8 ml/feeding, roughly 4-5 times/day. He's still growing.

07-23-2012, 12:38 PM
once again thanks linda i will take note of that

07-24-2012, 04:02 AM
oh and when is the time can i get a cage and toys for money to climb and play?

07-24-2012, 05:19 AM
Baby lovebirds don't normally venture out of their nests until they are 6 weeks old. I would wait at least that long and then start with a smaller cage. Cage color may or may not make a difference. I've found that if I start with a white cage for the first one, a larger cage in the same color is usually very easily accepted. Parrots do see in color and some, although not all, will have preferences.

07-24-2012, 11:45 AM
ohhhh icic thanks linda. but today i found out that money has started to climb out of the box by itself haha.. he is growing really fast very day, his beaks getting strong while pulling his little body and flapping his wings. once his standing on the edge non stop chirping at me. he is starting to flap his wings already and im really happy. and he likes to shake his tail feathers. one thing he poops all over me i have to change 2 shorts within 15 mins. but still heart him.