View Full Version : territorial or hormone ?

08-06-2012, 09:53 AM
i have two lovebird one is black cheek lovebird which i think she is a female as my other lovebird is a lutino fischer lovebird which like to climb onto her back . both are around 6-7month. my black cheek lovebird does't allow my hand in the cage and even when i change the food dish too But she is ok with me giving her seed in the cage. When she out of her cage she won bite people but when she found a corner to hide she will turn into a biter. she like to occupy place the whole playstand and alway bully my cockatiel when she saw him

08-06-2012, 01:26 PM
Chances are the problem is territorial. Females are not sexually mature until they are roughly 6 months old and, although I've seen young hens become mothers at age 7 months, that's the exception rather than the rule. However, they are quite capable of claiming certain areas as their own, or at least they THINK they are their areas and they will defend them as you are describing.

Cockatiels tend to be docile and it's easy for a lovebird to bully one.

08-07-2012, 06:54 AM
what should i do ? i use target training to let her up on a perch then i take her out there is no any nesting material inside but they like to tear the newspaper at the cage floor

08-07-2012, 07:59 AM
Does their cage have a grate on the bottom?

08-07-2012, 10:42 AM
have but somehow they still can get chew those paper

08-07-2012, 11:14 AM
:lol :lol :lol

have but somehow they still can get chew those paper
I've seen that trick before....... Try as I will to keep the paper in the cage trays away from my very determined lovebirds, they win that battle all the time! Sometimes they flap their wings and the paper moves just enough for them to reach it through the grate wire. I've seen several of mine also grab a piece of paper with their feet and pull it up to the grate where they can reach it.

I wonder if, perhaps, giving them things that they are allowed to chew up might help. I use bamboo finger traps, popsicle stick, Nutriberries wrapped in a small piece of paper so that when they chew up the paper, they find food. One of our members found a small wicker basket (no finish of any kind on it) and let her lovie chew that up! It took a while and some persistence but the basket finally got destroyed.

Parrots chew and need to satisfy their need to chew. That's perfectly normal so it could be that you just have to give them things that are intended to be chewed up. I've always seen that a busy beak is a happy one!

08-07-2012, 10:52 PM
i make some diy toy with Popsicle for them to chew and some wood but they still want to bite those paper lol

Bernadette N
08-08-2012, 05:38 AM
We don't have a grate on our cage bottom :-) we put kitty litter in the bottom! Softer when our little guy has a fall - he is missing toes on one foot so hasn't got great balance. No paper to chew!

08-08-2012, 05:55 AM
What kind of kitty litter do you use?

08-08-2012, 05:00 PM
be aware kittly litter can cause dust that inhbit lovebird breathing and also if digest it absorbs moisture and can clump in thier crop be very carefull.

Bernadette N
08-08-2012, 06:34 PM
I couldnt tell you the brand sorry but it is not dusty or clumpy, we bought it at a bird specialist shop. It was recommended to us. I do not even see clumps or dust when i clean out his cage. It is fine for them to eat apparently, not that Beaker seems interested in eating it.