View Full Version : Parrotlets?

10-14-2005, 12:46 AM
Um, does anyone have these?

They look so much like lovies! Are they???

And what's the truth about them, no site seemed to advertise that lovebirds would be so loud, aggressive towards other birds, etc. Anything like that I should know about parrotlets?

Oh no!... I think I want one!

10-14-2005, 06:07 AM
I have a pair of Pacificas but Green Rumps make the best pets. Parrotlets are the smallest of the Psittacines. They actually belong to the Amazon family. If you want to know more about them, do a Google search for Parrotlet Ranch. They specialize in parrotlets and probably know more about them than anyone else,

10-14-2005, 10:58 AM
Oh....I think they are sooooo cute too.....like a miniture lovie.....boy, they sure are expensive!

10-14-2005, 11:57 AM
I have never seen even one parrotlet here in Hawaii. I've never done any investigating to see if they are not allowed or if there is just no interest in them..........There are tons of lovebirds here though.

10-17-2005, 09:28 PM
I have a male green rump parrotlet named Kiwi. He is quite the character! I think that my lovebird is a little more playful though. Although I have heard that parrotlets do not talk much, mine has a huge vocab. He was handfed so he is gentle with us humans. However, he is very territorial about his cage and does not want anyone or anything messing with is cage. Thus one of his favorite sayings is "that's not nice!" due to the fact he will nip at you when you do anything to his cage lol. When we bring him outside of his cage he is an angel though. ;)

10-17-2005, 10:19 PM
They are adorable. I went to my local parrot club meeting once and one of the members there had brought her parrotlet. They're pretty rare over here, I believe, and pretty expensive. But I still want one.

10-18-2005, 04:03 AM
Hmm, and I thought that lovebirds were the "parrots in a small body".

That's cute, lol. That's not nice. If my lovebirds were ever able to talk, their vocab would be "Dammit Daisy/Clover!"

10-18-2005, 10:59 AM
When I was awaiting to get a lutino lovebird I went visit the breeder I was supposed to get my lovebird from. In his aviary he had a double yellow headed amazon that was a rescue. He was free in the aviary. He also had a male parrotlet that lost his mate a while back so the parrotlet was also free in the aviary. The little bugger would follow the amazon everywhere. The amazon would walk and climb around nonchalantly and the poor little parrotlet would literraly be running behind trying to catch up. When the amazon would stop, the parrotlet would stop. He never seemed to get too close to the amazon but he had that fixation about following him everywhere. It was quite a sight!