View Full Version : 2nd week of training, am I doing this correctly?

08-09-2012, 07:32 PM
My name is Krystle and I'm new to the lovebird community, well to having a bird at all. I have a 4 &1/2 month old lovebird named Tunchi, he's not very tame but I've spent hours and hours with him for the last two weeks (I only got him two weeks ago). He's progressed since day 1 a little bit like he won't chirp and fly around his cage anymore when I go to clean his food and water dishes, and he chirps when I leave the room (hope that's a good thing). but he still won't let me touch him or go near him and he won't eat anything but his millet and basic seed. I've tried giving him broccoli, snap peas, kiwi and carrots (all cooked,except kiwi). today we had a little progress and he ate a little seed out of my hand. My concern is am I doing this right? I talk to him all the time, and read and sing close to his cage, but I don't think he's really bonding with me yet. Am I just being unpatient? Are there any tricks or routines I should be trying with him? I appreciate any input

Bernadette N
08-09-2012, 08:07 PM
It sounds like you are doing everything right! Spending time with your bird will help him realise you are not a threat! My lovie eats his veg, but I find he prefers fresh, uncooked stuff chopped into tiny pieces. He eats sugar snap peas or snow peas, corn chopped right off the cob and brocolini. He loves to chew an asparagus that we stick into the cage wall, and we peel a bit of carrot and stick It in the wall, and he munches on that :-)

08-10-2012, 03:53 AM
I agree with Bernadette! You want to build a trust relationship with him and that simply takes time. He is in a completely new situation and needs to realize through experience that you mean him no harm. Once that happens, you will probably have a velcro birdie that feels he needs to be everywhere you are and helping you with every task that you try to do. I have a young one named Rio who insists that he help me feed everyone else and the job entails sampling the food that goes in all food dishes!

08-10-2012, 12:17 PM
that's great, glad to know I'm not harming his progress. I will have to try the uncooked veggies as well, thank you ;)

Pips mom
08-10-2012, 02:36 PM
You are doing everything right........it just takes time! all you have to do is be patient with him, all birds go at their own pace, some slower than others. Once he realizes that you are his friend, you'll end up like me.........in the bathroom drying your hair and all of a sudden a lovebird appears on your head! :omg: Just give it time!