View Full Version : Training not working?

08-12-2012, 08:29 PM
So ive had my lovebird for 3,4, or 5 month now (cant remember EXACT date) but like I talk to her everyday and ever since she use to jump on me and like come to me and play but now she totally ignores me and gets mad if my hand is in her cage. Not sure if its territorial but she freaks out when shes outside like if i try to catch her so she wont get into trouble and what not but when i try to get her to step up in her cage she's like nipping me but if I have treats its not a problem but she just REFUSES to step on my hand at all she will jump, run over it or what not to get away. Is this a problem? Shes perfectly fine with me by her cage and she talks to me and stuff but its just this problem thats bothered me =/

08-12-2012, 08:40 PM
Hey, have you changed the layout of the cage at all? I know my lovebird gets a little cage aggressive if I let his cage go too long without getting redecorated. So, I just take him out, remove all his perches and toys, then rearrange them and bring him back. This keeps him on his toes, and usually works to get him to step up a bit easier and let me take him out of the cage again. Also, do you clip your lovie's wings? I know mine is quite content to sit with me when he can't fly anywhere by himself, but as soon as he gets a bit of flight back, he starts trying to take off at every opportunity! Just a thought, maybe it's time to clip his/her wings again if that's a practice you follow. Anyway, that's what I've picked up from my experience, but there are other members who know a lot more than I do. They might have some better advice.

Pips mom
08-13-2012, 01:00 PM
Those are both very good suggestions, but as long as she's only having issues with your hands, then it's not a problem you should be worried about. My Pip has never liked hands at all. They all have their little things that they like or dislike, and also can be cage territorial, especially if she's female. She still likes to have you nearby her cage talking to her, so that's what you should go by. She may be going through a hormonal time and you just have to wait it out and give her some time and space. I know you said 4 or 5 months you have had her, but I've found with all of my birds that it takes about a year before they really feel totally comfortable with a new home and new flock mates. Even with Pip and Ivy, it took about a year before I could leave them together without keeping an eye on them............now I know that even with their little spats, that neither would ever hurt the other, but with them and with each of my birds, I'd say a year is about the time it takes before they feel totally comfortable with new additions/surroundings, and start to form a bond with those around them. I've had six birds and the only one I think that was quicker was Ivy, but she was always a very tame bird.

08-15-2012, 08:20 PM
ah i see >.< I try and try but like it gets really frustrating so I thought I was doing something wrong >.< Thanks for the advice ^-^