View Full Version : Very Sad update (long post warning)

08-16-2012, 01:24 PM
Many of you have read the OMG Skye got out thread. I'm still in shock that it happened at all but wanted to catch you all up on the how and what I did to get her out of the really tall tree.

First, I want to update you guys on my bird situation. In June, we lost our home to foreclosure. I have not been able to find employment (other than temporary work) for 3 years. The modification we were offered was insulting after one year of blowing up my fax machine, email, fedex etc, we just couldn't take it anymore.

We found a place to rent that would allow me to bring the zoo. The only thing they were a little sketchy about were the birds. (go figure, 4 dogs, 3 cats, 5 horses, chickens, and they waiver on the birds.....:confused: we have no neighbors that would be bothered by noise) Anyway, I finally got them to agree to it and was very excited because the original owners of this house had run a hair salon out of a room connected to the garage. It is heated and cooled, has concrete floors, has a bank of windows over looking the rose garden with a door that opens to the driveway and one that opens into the garage. I was excited about how easy it was to clean the concrete and all the space. It was perfect!

Landlord came by one day to pick up something they had left here temporarily and the 3 blue crowns started their alarm calls followed by the two green cheeks and the 6 lovebirds and one very noisy keet. I know Jeremiah talks about his sun's noise but these blue crowns really take the cake. They can match the volume of a Macaw and because two of them lived 9 moths with Zon's and Macaws they mimic them perfectly. Long story short, he suddenly became very uncomfortable about the birds and said that we could keep ONE there but the rest had to go. I really don't know why, the room was immaculate. You would have had to crawl around to find one dropped seed but it's his house and that was his decision and we were given one weekend to get them out.

Then came the difficult decision of who stayed or did they all go or what to do. The green cheeks were actually my daughter's and her landlord has keets of her own and told her it would be fine to bring the green cheeks so that was taken care of. Because the lovies were all in pairs and I loathed the thought of splitting up a pair, it was down to the blue crowns. We knew full well we would never be able to get some one to take three so started making calls about a pair. Skye is so bonded to me and so hateful to people she doesn't know that we felt that keeping her was the best choice. A local pet store had an employee who had been saving to purchase a small parrot because she enjoyed working with them in the store so much. She and her daughter(11 years old) met Drake and Rio and there seemed to be an instant love connection. We allowed them to adopt Drake and Rio and provided them with a large cage. Both birds are doing well in their new home.

I found a breeder who runs a pet shop in a nearby town who was interested in my lovies. She assured me she would keep the pairs together in her breeding program so my hubby took them to her because I could not even walk to get in the car I was so upset. Y'all know Cabo was half of my heart.

She had her own cages and so didn't need mine. Cleaning those empty cages was the hardest thing I have ever done. This whole thing made me so ill. Then I went to her store to ask how they were adjusting and found my birds FOR SALE in her store. She had split them into the wrong groups and even had poor Sprite in a cage alone.>:>:> Why I am not typing this from jail I do not know.

Y'all I have a temper that is notorious. I tell people I'm not a b!*#ch all the time, I do go to sleep...but on this day I could not form words. I literally could not speak or think. I made it to the parking lot of my husband's office and had a seizure. My seizures have been well controlled for the past 2 years but I had them frequently for the next couple of weeks and had to go up on my medicines. My husband went and had words with the store owner and we are sort of not allowed back in there any more.

This has been so hard on my family. So on last Friday when Skye escaped I was absolutely crazed by grief. Haley had come to feed horses while I was in the bird room with Skye (and the parakeet I hide) and opened the garage door. I had no idea it was up. Skye was on my shoulder and we were headed through the garage into the house when the keet's cage bumped my leg and scared her. She flew and not knowing door was open I quietly set Perry's cage down and rounded the corner to see tail feathers disappear into the great outdoors. We searched for her until after dark that day. I crawled through blackberry bushes and poison ivy and took the hoe to two snakes that were in my way. I walked around in a thunderstorm and went inside for my gun when the coyotes started coming in for the evening. There was a small discussion with the sheriff's deputies who had gotten a call about a woman walking the roadside with a gun spotlighting trees. (YOU try to convince them you're hunting a parrot in a thunderstorm). They "suggested" I go home for evening.

Saturday morning I had flyers in mailboxes before sun up. And at day break she finally answered me. She flew out of the woods like she had been shot but instead of flying to me proceeded to fly a half mile up the road. Then proceeded to land in a tree about 60 feet off the ground. I KNOW that had Drake and Rio still been here she would have flown to them. But they aren't here so I called my daughter to bring over the green cheeks. Poor Perry tried but just isn't loud enough. The GCC's were terrified and would not make a sound. My husband climbed an extension ladder and was in the process of trying to thread a 40 foot "perch" that McGyver would have been proud of through branches when more sheriff's deputies showed up. Of course they couldn't see the bird in the tree. Thankfully at this point Skye decided to display her extensive vocabulary. The officers got very wide eyed and then called the fire department to see if they had anyway to get the bird down LOL! They actually stayed for nearly an hour.

We tried everything we could think of, everything we read and some really stupid ideas too. We brought her favorite foods and had a pic-nic, I loved on other birds in front of her (through their travel cage) I hugged on my husband in front of her. She would become agitated but never offered to fly down. Keep in mind her tree was on a pretty well traveled road and she was terrified. Her tree was up on a tall bank and I had to stand across the road to be able to see her. Finally, she started saying "step up, step up" and it dawned on me that my shoulder was a pretty small target for an inexperienced, CLIPPED, flyer so I held up a long branch and said "Skye, step up" She moved, started turning circles, she was thinking about how to do this. After about 10 minutes she flew across the road toward me and landed in a tree about 40 feet high right above my head.

After I let her rest up and got her talking again, I tried with the branch again, "Skye step up". I got the same reaction and she was close enough now to see how frustrated she was. She kept "indicating" a clearing that was up a shear bank 20 feet higher than where I stood but a 20 foot drop for her. Suddenly it made sense. Being clipped and not conditioned to flying, she could not plunge 60 or 40 feet almost straight down. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I found myself calling to her, "Skye I understand, I understand". I ran for the clearing and as soon as I broke the tree line she flew and landed in the exact spot she had pointed out to me. Of course she was still 20 feet above me and you guys have read the rest of the story about me turning into a cat and climbing a shear wall of mud and hearing the screech owls on the prowl etc.

The key I believe to finding her was reading a lot of good information and following it. She did respond to me at day break, as long as she could see me she stayed where she was (and chatted with everyone who came by, preened, played and laughed at me :roll:) AND, near dusk decided to join me. The only thing I did not see referenced was the need for a clear glide path. I doubt that many clipped birds make it that far or that high but there is no accounting for adrenalin. Skye can't get more than 8 ft of loft of fly further than about 10 feet inside. But being outside excited and frightened her so that she was able to fly a great distance.

Also, I want to tell you guys that I had a response from many who received flyers offering to let me put out feeders and search their property for her. One set of neighbors went looking themselves and came to meet her when they heard she had been recovered. One neighbor works for the phone company and offered the use of a bucket truck if she got down to 30 feet. One set of neighbors brought over food because they knew I was standing vigil under a tree. The response was overwhelming!

Since she has been home, she doesn't like me out of her sight. I moved her cage inside and she is on my shoulder most of the time. She has also decided to start trying to sing along with the meow mix commercial LOLOLOL :rotfl

We still miss our other birds. She talks about the "little birds" even now but when I finally had her on my shoulder, in the dark woods and she got very close and whispered in my ear, "it's okay, it's okay, lets have kiss, it's okay" I knew that I had made the right choice in which bird stayed.

I hope none of you are ever faced with that kind of choice The air around here seems somehow thinner and there is a sweetness that is absent. :very_sad: I am exploring measures to recover my birds from Cruella Deville and will just try to hide them if the landlord is coming. In case I am unsuccessful please send out a happy thought that they will receive a good home.:very_sad:

Pips mom
08-26-2012, 10:45 AM
I'm so sorry for everything you are going through! I especially hope that you get your lovies back from that woman........even if they did get a good home, they were separated, correct? that's sad because pairs become so bonded to each other and I could see it SO clearly how happy my two bonded tiels were until Boss died........those two were just happy no matter what........as long as they were together. Please keep us updated on what happens with getting them back. This is why I would never give up a pet to someone that I don't know! These kinds of stories scare the **** out of me.........I'm so lucky that my old neighbor was willing to keep Rudy and that he has a birdie buddy Bob that he lives with and I can visit and know how he's doing.
Best of luck to you in getting your lovies back!:hug:

08-26-2012, 02:39 PM
Wow!!! I just can't imagine going through everything you've been through!! Not sure I would have kept my sanity! I'm glad Skye is home, safe and sound and I hope you can manage to get your other birds back. Just an off handed question. Could you buy them back? I'm sure you've considered it and I know I've had to do it a couple of times! >:

Mary in Florida
08-27-2012, 08:48 PM
I'm so sorry for everything you and your family have gone through, and so happy that those superhuman efforts you all had to make to get Skye back were successful. Here's hoping that you'll be able to get your lovies back, and in the meantime, it sounds like Skye is a comfort to you, and you to her.

08-27-2012, 11:22 PM
I'm sorry you had to part with your babies. I can't believe they made you get rid of them all like that. I know birds can be loud, my gccs think they're monkeys, but my neighbors 6 kids can be louder and the four legged animals make bigger messes. I feel bad for your bonded lovies that were separated and hopefully you can get them back. at least your escapee came back and is ok.

09-02-2012, 07:54 AM
Wow!!! I just can't imagine going through everything you've been through!! Not sure I would have kept my sanity! I'm glad Skye is home, safe and sound and I hope you can manage to get your other birds back. Just an off handed question. Could you buy them back? I'm sure you've considered it and I know I've had to do it a couple of times! >:

Linda, it would cost me $1000 to buy all of them back and I just don't have it. It's just a suckie situation all the way around. I'm just trying to be grateful I was able to keep as much as I could. Just found out that the dear friend I gave my personal horse to sold her to a guy in Alabama. Found out quite by accident. Guess I know what I am thought of....

09-02-2012, 08:35 AM
:( :( :( :(
People never cease to amaze me, which is why very few individuals get close enough to me to become friends. When times are hard, you discover the real people and sometimes they are not who we thought they were! Unfortunately, once our companions go to others, we lose control of what will happen to them. I've rehomed several birds to here from others and I've always managed to make good on my promise to keep them for the rest of their lives. Perhaps buying back just one or two might be an option. If not, there's not much you can do, even though that's a hard pill to swallow. Hopefully, things will get better as you put one foot in front of the other to continue life's evolving journey.


Mary in Florida
09-02-2012, 09:56 AM
Bird-Brain, I am so very sorry, that is heartbreaking.... best wishes, I couldn't say it better than Linda already has.....

09-05-2012, 08:27 AM
I am so very sorry to hear of your difficulties, and relieved that you are reunited with Skye.

Hugs and positive thoughts sent your way from our flock.

02-08-2013, 12:49 AM
Hi guys, I really regret that circumstances over the past 18 months has made it nearly impossible for me to be active on the forum. I also regret that my last appearence consiste of me running in here with my head on fire and talking about having to give up my birds and how they ended up in a terrible place.

Because of the kind replies, I wanted to update you all to let you know that I have been able to get Cabo and Kenya back home with me. Sprite, Zulu and Tiger Lilly are still in that awful store and Rivy is gone. I'm told she was sold and can only hope that is the truth and that she went to a good home. Drake and Rio are thriving in their new home and we get regualr updates on them.

I wanted to share the story of Cabo and Kenya in hopes that my mistakes can assist others. The old thread is on here somewhere, but to sum it up we had to rehome all but one bird due to a change in our living situation. I was out of town due to my father's bypass surgery and poor Wayne tried to do this on his own. (He is NOT the bird person in the house). A local pet store owner convinced him she was lovie savvy and he placed the birds with her.

There is no nice way to say she misrepresented the situation they would live in and I won't go through all of that again.

I paid a visit to the store last week for some soybeens and because I needed to see them. The first thing I found was a dead chicken in a cage outside. The next thing I found was Cabo and Kenya on top of chicken cages and Cabo with no chest feathers. He has never been a plucker. The owner had left for the day and I expressed concern for Cabo's condidtion. The staff at the store had no idea that these were my birds. I expressed a desire to purchase them but not at the price they were listed. ($175.00 EACH!!!!!) for Cabo and Kenya, $400 for Zulu and tiger Lilly and $275 for Sprite.

I thought that I would tell the owner who I was and work out a time and feed price. They called her and the owner immediately began to explain that she could only come down $50.00 on the Cabo Kenya because they are very rare (green series fischer's :omg:) she had traveled VERY far to buy the birds from a show and something about them being show birds that they had been soooo expensive blah blah blah. All of this was being relayed to me by a likely innocent employee. I hate to admit it but I really did snatch the phone out of her hand and I THINK I said some non repeatable words while I told the store owner who I was and what a (string of explative adjectives) liar she was. I expressed my concern at his condition and she basically told me it was none of my concern and he would be out of the store tomorrow.

THAT scared me to death and I actually paid the $300.00 to bring them home. I wish I had handled myself better because I will NEVER get Sprite and Zulu and Tiger Lilly now. Tiger Lilly and Zulu actually hatched a small clutch in that awful filthy store and are feeding two babies right now. Sprite is alone. I do not have the money to pay the prices she has on those birds. I am trying to draw comfort that Cabo and Kenya are safe (and crossing my fingers my landlord doesn't find out they are here). And save my pennys to get the rest home.

I am feeding Cabo and Kenya extra good and giving them some plain yogurt, lots of protein and greens and probiotics while they are in quaratine. They are eating pellets (trust me they got none at that place) which is something they never did well and I think they know they need the extra nutrition. I will still only give them about 30% and wonder if maybe I should up that for a short time? Cabo can not be handled anymore he bites like crazy and even Kenya will bite if you attemp to touch her.

I do think they know where they are and they will come around after a while. When Cabo is able to see Skye I think he will be fine. Kenya will follow his lead as always.

The moral here is if the unthinkable should happen and you must rehome, DELIVER the birds yourself if at all possible. Just because some one is knowledgable it doesn't mean you are guaranteed a proper home.

I will be contacting everybody I can think of regarding the conditions in that store and the BBB regarding her gross misrepresentation of her "products". It's really nice to be able to at least tell you guys that Cabo and Kenya are safe. I miss you guys and hope you are all doing well.

02-08-2013, 01:11 AM
I am so sorry about the awful situations regarding your birds. Pet stores can be so infuriating. Perhaps you could report them to the state? If any birds are so obviously unhealthy that they can be spotted by a customer, the out of sight business dealings must be really poor!

02-08-2013, 08:11 AM
I'm very glad you got Cabo and Kenya back! That's a positive thing. Question for you. The prices you mentioned in your post. Are those the prices for just you or anyone? Do you know anyone who could casually walk into the pet shop and innocently inquire about the lovebirds? It never hurts to ask and see what she will say to a complete stranger.

Make no mistake about it. I don't condone supporting pet shops like this one. I want nothing more than to see them out of business. My concern here is to see if there's any reasonable way to get your lovebirds back inspite of blackmailing type of tactics.

Pips mom
02-08-2013, 10:05 AM
Awww.......so glad that you were able to get some of them back! As sad as this is, at least you got them back and can possibly get the others back too. I think if it was me, I'd try somehow to take this place to small claims court to get your money back.......maybe after you've gotten the others. Also.......take pics if you can at the pet store of bad situations like the chickens just in case you need them one day.
As far as giving up birds goes........no one ever has to tell me to be careful because if it ever came to that, I'd make absolutely sure about where they go. At rescues you usually have to sign a paper saying you'll return the bird to them if you, for some reason, can't keep the bird. I'd have some papers drawn up like this also and make sure you always have the proof that this bird was yours, and if you gave it up for free, get that in writing too. I would never take ANY chance with mine, and would probably only give them up to someone I know, and I just can't even picture myself being able to give any of my birds up. I was considering it with my tiels when I was forced to move, because my tiels were always such happy birds that didn't care about anything else except that they were together........well then my Boss girl died suddenly........if I had ever given them up, how would that person have handled that? Maybe just leave Woody alone. He's my first bird and I always wanted him paired with another tiel buddy. Now I have Grace, and the two are not a bonded pair so when the day comes, I probably won't get another, but the thought of giving up any of my birds just brings thoughts of.....what if this happens? or that happens? and you just can't help but think that no one will love and care for them the way you do.
Best of luck to you on getting the others back and don't beat yourself up too much because I probably would have behaved the same way at that store!! Congrats and awesome job getting the two back that you have now......at least TRY to get that money back though. They were YOUR birds and you shouldn't have to buy them back!

02-08-2013, 02:50 PM
This is quite a journey. Your landlord, who left you virtually no time to properly rehome several birds, along with the petshops immoral practices, more than anything contributed largely towards their ending up in the wrong place. How unfortunate that in your efforts to provide your precious birds loving homes, you were only met by greed and dishonesty. .. At any rate, i'll certainly pray that when all is said and done, your misplaced birds will ultimately find refuge from that deplorable pet shop.

For tips on how to pursue legal action against dishonest and/or neglectful petshops, please check out this link. Hope it helps. http://www.pet-abuse.com/index.php

02-09-2013, 07:59 AM
Thanks for all of the support and advice guys. I do have a little "under cover" operation going on. And Linda, yes, these are the prices to any and everyone.

I let my emotions get the better of me and really lost the best chance I had at any real action and I feel very guilty about that. Kenya is a very distinctive half slider with a distinctive tatoo that is in her vet records. She was really my best chance as far a positive IDs went and Cabo IS the only bird that showed obvious physical signs of illness/stress. I can't go into the store any longer.

This is a very small town and I have heard that this woman has friends in the right places locally. Several have attempted to have something done and all have failed. I will. Ross my fingers that my undercover idea will yield something usable.

Pips mom
02-15-2013, 11:14 AM
All the best to you with your undercover operation! I hope that everything turns out just the way you want! :hug:

02-16-2013, 05:41 PM
This is such a horrible situation to be in and it makes me sick to my stomach just reading it. I'm so glad you have been able to reclaim some of your flock but the owner of that pet store...ugh. So lucky I don't know where you live or he works, 'cause it would not be pretty. My fingers are crossed that things work out for you!