View Full Version : Do lovebirds around 5-8 weeks old need a bed or cuddle box?

08-17-2012, 03:36 AM
hi! I brought home my bird 5 days ago and the breeder told me that I should provide an area for the bird to cuddle in when it sleeps... so I made her a small little box - with no lid - and I put in a soft cloth. This seemed to help the first couple of days to make her feel really safe - and she sleeps in it every night.

The problem is - after 5 days she has sort of resorted back to day one behavior.. and is now using the box to hide in. It doesn't matter if I talk softly or sweet - if she thinks I move to fast or get to close - or touch her cage - she hops in and hides.

Should I remove the box? or maybe let her have the box only at night? I don't want to upset her or push her to fast

It is just that she was doing so well.. so quickly.. and now it seems like she's doing worse and worse - at a really fast rate. Today she even tried to bite me because I got to close to her box.

What should I do?

This weekend we are going to go buy her a mate from the same breeder. Which poses another question!! but I'll make a post about that in a different post. :)

08-17-2012, 04:51 AM
A box for sleeping is a great idea but isn't necessary during the day. Donna uses it constantly because she's frightened and hiding is her answer to the problem.

08-17-2012, 05:10 AM
Do you think I should take it out? or give her a little longer?

08-17-2012, 07:50 AM
Personally, I would remove it during the day. While she may be scared, you have to remember that she's away from everything familiar (clutchmates, cage, location, breeder) and it's going to take her a bit of time to learn to trust her new situation. You are not the enemy who's going to eat her alive and she will only learn that via experience. About the best thing you can do is be around her a lot, talk to her, sing to her, just be there in an unthreatening manner as you can. Lovebirds are naturally curious so that's in your favor. :)

At night, I would give it back. She's still very basically a baby and would sleep in the box were she still with her parents.