View Full Version : Lovebird makes weird, quiet noise when my hand approaches her?

08-24-2012, 09:36 PM
I just got my first lovebird this past weekend, she's 8 months old and I named her Stella!
Anyways, she's pretty comfortable with my hand being in the cage, but when I try to bring my hand close to her (I'm training/taming her) she makes this really weird quiet chirp.
I can't tell if it's anger, fear, or maybe even encouraging it?
Sorry I can't explain the noise in more depth, but do any of you know what I'm talking about and, if so, do you know anything about what that can mean?

Thanks in advance! :)

08-25-2012, 04:47 AM
Stella. What a pretty name for a lovebird!

Chances are the sound you are hearing is produced because she's afraid. She's new to your home and she still has to learn that you are worthy of her trust. That comes with experience so please just be patient with her. You know she's safe with you. She is learning that. :)

08-25-2012, 01:24 PM
Thanks! I like it too. :)

Alright, thank you! I will be patient.