View Full Version : Introducing a dog to a new lovebird?

08-25-2012, 07:53 PM
I just got a lovebird about a week ago, and we've been having issues with our black lab.
Sometimes (usually when she's tired or when the bird is sleeping) she's fine and can ignore the cage and bird, but throughout the daytime or whenever the bird makes noise (which, as everyone knows, is almost always) she freaks out, barks, runs up to the cage, and sometimes tries to jump on the cage.
The bird is in my room 24/7 and the door is shut 24/7 (unless I'm supervising) so as to keep the dog and bird separated.
However, I'd really love to get this problem solved as I've had to sort of shut out my dog because of this.
Any tips/ideas on how to introduce my dog to this bird peacefully?

08-25-2012, 09:11 PM
This is a tough one as I firmly take no chances with my dogs/birds.

There are several threads on this board that warn of interaction between them. If you want the dog to get used to the bird and vice versa, always keep the bird caged and always supervise. All it takes is one split second and you'll have an accident on hand.

If I can offer a small tip, before you decide to let them come close together, make sure your dog is extremely tired, exhausted and has been exerting his/her energy. This at least will make sure your dog has no pent up energy that might be taken out on the bird.

Good Luck

08-25-2012, 09:43 PM
I live with 2 older Cairn Terriers and they have been around my birds since the day they joined my family. Both are rescues. Even though they both totally ignore the birds, I still view them (the dogs) as predators and I want to know where they are at all times! Do I trust them? Not on your life. The safest thing is no interaction and everyone will remain alive and healthy.