View Full Version : Ditto must be practicing for his pilots license...

08-28-2012, 05:18 PM
Usually when I come home and let him out so he can supervise his dinner preparation, he'll wait until I go to the kitchen before flying to join me. Occasionally he'll do a flyby and go back to his cage before coming out and landing on my shoulder or head.

Well today he decided to practice his "touch and goes". He'd fly out, act like he's going to land on my head and as soon as his feet touched my head he'd push off, make a turn and go back to the cage. He did that about 4 or 5 times, doing the lovebird equivalent of giggling like a giddy school girl, before finally settling on my shoulder to supervise. :rotfl

08-28-2012, 05:54 PM
XD mabey he was smoothing down your cowlick XD

08-29-2012, 11:20 AM
Well the the goofyness continued last night. While we were on the couch watching tv, he decided he needed a snack (it's cooling off so he want's snacks during tv time again) so he flew back to the cage, rang his bell, then flew back and looked in my hand for his snack. He looked up with a confused look (or as confused as a lovie can look), then realized he forgot to grab the snack and went back to the cage again! :rotfl

08-29-2012, 12:06 PM
That's funny :D Do they tend to eat less when it's hot? Mine seem to have had a major shift in their eating. Both food types and quantity. I've had their room temps raised about 8 degrees warmer because one was a little under the weather. I've sinced dropped it about 4 degrees and they seem to be eating just a little more again.

08-29-2012, 12:15 PM
Yep. The cooler it is the more they eat.

08-29-2012, 01:13 PM
Too funny, Dave!
Maybe he's doing extra exercise to tone and trim that already gorgeous feathered body!!! Oh yes. Cooler temperature mean more food consumption, as they need extra energy to kelp keep their bodies warm. :)

08-29-2012, 01:49 PM
That makes sense. I guess all living things tend to need less in the hotter temps. If only I could convince my mind that my body needs less too :roll:

My little Ricky seems to be doing a lot of stunt flying lately. Maybe he needs to take some lessons from Ditto! He's been with us for 6 months and never had out of cage free flight in his former life. So he's learning now :) I just love watching him get so excited :)

08-29-2012, 05:19 PM
Too funny, Dave!
Maybe he's doing extra exercise to tone and trim that already gorgeous feathered body!!! Oh yes. Cooler temperature mean more food consumption, as they need extra energy to kelp keep their bodies warm. :)

Or he's just nuts! :lol

He's also changed his favorite food back to avi-cakes. It had been veggie nutriberries for quite awhile, but now he's just nibbling on those and devouring the avi-cakes again.

And he's back to not wasting much at all with the crumbs. Although he was in a flinging frenzy when I got home. He had to find the last 3 partially eaten avicakes in there so he was flinging nutriberries everywhere! :lol:lol