View Full Version : Taking lovies to work?

09-09-2012, 03:48 PM
Hey there again guys, been awhile! The babies say hello! >o

So I talked to my local bird store (besides you guys they have been the BEST of help with being a new parrot owner) and we were storming some ideas to help get my lovies more socialized. They are not biting me but are still slightly afraid of me. When I try to take them out of their cage they hold on to their dear life at the bars (although they love to come out on their own!~).

We came with an idea with taking them to work in their nice carrying cage with food,water, and toys their familiar with. Do you guys think this would be a nice idea? I work with 4 other woman and we all love animals. I work at the local animal shelter at a desk and clean in the morning there. So it can be pretty loud here occasionally and a dog will walk by. They won't get near the cage because they'll be behind me on the desk. :) And I was thinking of only taking them there 1 day a week to start. I took them for a visit the other day because my work is on the other way and they were a little confused but were still doing their happy chirps.

Let me know, thanks! PK <3

09-09-2012, 04:12 PM
The only downside to this is the possibility of the babies coming in contact with a sick bird, if you have birds there. There are a few really nasty diseases that have no cure and sometimes there are no outward signs because the disease isn't at the symptomtic stage yet. PBFD is one of those. Lovebirds can carry it and shed it but not display any outward signs that they have it. By the time you see those signs, it's usually too late.

09-10-2012, 03:49 PM
Thanks Linda. Usually my location doesn't have any other animals other then cats or dogs. Occasionally a rabbit though. It was really rare that my lovies were brought into there with their mom and dad.