View Full Version : Lovebird regurgitates!!!

09-15-2012, 09:58 PM
Hello, my lovebird Georgie is 9 weeks old, he's eating well and is very social. I'm kind of freaked out right now because I've never seen a bird do this. Lately (he just started doing this a day ago) whenever we take him out of his cage he starts regurgitating on our finger, I've seen my other birds regurgitate but not like this, seeds literally fly out of his beak to all over the floor and there are so many of them. My budgie used to regurgitate maybe 5or 6 seeds but this one seems to empty his crop completely. Is this normal? He is my first lovebird so I don't know if this is a common lovebird behavior. How can I correct this? I tried to gently tap on his beak when he did that but he didn't care, he continued doing it violently. I'm really freaked out!!! (Linda I hope you'll read this:))

09-15-2012, 11:25 PM
Important to know, is that there is a difference between regurgitate and actual vomiting. When regurgitating, lovebirds bring up by head bobbing partially or completely digested food and will deposit it in a way their recipient/s can easily accept it. When vomiting, this action is much more forceful, most the time having the appearance of undigested food certainly not intended for their partner or offspring. .. 9 weeks is pretty young for a lovebird to be attempting to feed anything. I think you should really have him checked out by your vet.

09-16-2012, 12:10 AM
He's on antibiotics, maybe that's the reason. I will call his vet tomorrow.