View Full Version : Wonders Never Cease....

10-15-2005, 07:49 PM
If any of you remember a couple of years ago..our Dutchess lost her mate, Duke to an embolism(sp). She's been as wild as spitfire for as many years as we've had her, would take your finger off in a heartbeat, bearing millet or not.
She protected her babies with a vengeance, and was an over zealous plucker at times. She's getting along in years now...I'm thinking somewhere in the area of 11-13+ yrs old area.
Well, to get to my news...

Tonight, they all got their dunk baths (those who refuse to bathe on their own). She'd leave me with at least 2 good chomp marks each and every time. Tonight?? I told her, UP UP, and.........she cheeped, looked at me, and DID IT:omg:
I gave up trying to re-pair her with any of my bachelors, and I've been talking alot with her, cheeping, acting like a dork myself, and tonight, it paid off !!!
After so many years of hating me, she accepted my finger as a perch.
So, for all of you who have wild lovies who don't ever see yourselves taming your birds, let this be an example. Me and Dutchess might never have a lovie lovie relationship, but tonight, she proved to me that I've earned her trust. And you can bet your bottom buck, every chomp and rip and tear and bloody teeshirt was worth it :D


10-15-2005, 09:32 PM
Ahhh Kimmie,

That is so sweet. You know you might just have that lovie lovie relationship with Dutchess. Lovebirds love goofy, and you got plenty of that :lol

10-15-2005, 10:44 PM
That's great news. :D

I've been talking alot with her, cheeping, acting like a dork myself

Uhhh, I act like that around Ditto all the time. I think that's why he decided he likes me so much. I act just like him. :rofl:

10-15-2005, 10:54 PM

That's great! There's nothing like earning a lovie's trust, huh? Yep, I act like a dork around my babies too. Everyone teases me except my fellow bird-people and I thank you all. :D

10-15-2005, 11:09 PM
Kim...that is so cool...and cold water for those bloody Ts ok?...or pour Era right onto it before you toss it in the washer.

10-16-2005, 12:27 AM
Kim: That's great news...It's these small steps that make it all worth it :D .

10-16-2005, 09:50 AM
Woo hooo! :happy::happy::happy:That is so cool Kimmie! Congratulations!!

10-16-2005, 08:52 PM
Awww Heather, that is cool! I know how much you want them to be interactive with you. Since all of mine have always been "velcro" birdies, I sure hope you get your chance to be able to hold & pet them one day. :D