View Full Version : Does the play time effect the tame process?

09-22-2012, 06:04 AM
I got a lovebird who am trying to tame, it is going slowly as I expected, and I have budgie who is finger tamed but still scared most of the time (as the pet shop tortured his wing, his confident died, hopefully the feathers will grow back coz his molting almost over but not yet any improve on the wings feathers), I separated them in diferrent rooms till I tame the lovebird. I give the lovebird playing time almost everyday out of his cage. The thing is every time she fly out she is so happy and making loud voices which it makes my budgie go crazy as if he want to play with her, I reach the level with my lovebird to eat from my hand but still little bet afraid from me. Is it fine in that play time both of them can play together or I should wait untill my lovebird is fully tamed?

09-22-2012, 11:57 AM
Any introduction between parrots, especially different species, always carries some risk. Whether your two will ultimately get along is really a toss up. .. Generally exercised in a "neutral" area away from cage territory, close observation is needed to assure neither will harm one another. Just in case their behavior gets serious, have a squirt bottle handy so that you can separate them as soon as possible. .. Does the play time affect the taming process? Might they get along, either one could show a little less interest in you. Should they not, you might become the object of their dispute. For these reasons, many people will schedule playtimes according to their birds behavior.