View Full Version : Kisses sounds ?

09-26-2012, 08:22 PM
I am curious to find out what it means when my female lovebird moves her head fast as if saying yes and makes kisses sounds! Before when I used to make the "kisses" sound she would repeat it but now she has added the "yes" movement to it. It does look so sweet!

09-27-2012, 12:51 PM
I have a number of parrots that love to bob their heads up and down and the only thing I can think of is that they enjoy it. I have a macaw and 3 Greys that all do it and it's comical to watch. My macaw will do it repeatedly for several minutes, blushing pink while doing it.

Gotta luv 'em!

09-27-2012, 01:09 PM
Lovebirds are well known for imitating "kissie" sounds. My first male lovebird Goofy picked up on it years ago from everyone kissing him so much, while my second one learned it from us shortly after he arrived. I've also managed to replace some of their contact calls with kissie sounds. .. None the less, at times they do appear to associate kissies with either young birds or flockmates, and will often act as though their trying to feed or regugitate food right after a kissie or two. In fact, they've also managed to alter their kissies to show when they are afraid (such as at the vets office:omg:), or very happy (like when receiving a treat:D). .. I have a feeling your lovebird my be associating her kissies with feeding a chick. ........:)

09-27-2012, 03:26 PM
my flocks bob thier head my suns do it when they start to dance XD i also have a couple males and my tiel who makes kissy noises...i rather have kisses then screeches anyday!

09-27-2012, 08:21 PM
I have a number of parrots that love to bob their heads up and down and the only thing I can think of is that they enjoy it. I have a macaw and 3 Greys that all do it and it's comical to watch. My macaw will do it repeatedly for several minutes, blushing pink while doing it.

Gotta luv 'em!

Ditto does the head boob too. Only he usually does it so fast his head is a blur (it's more of a nodding motion rather than the neck pumping that is associated with regurgitation). Sometime he adds a swaying or spinning motion to it too. :rotfl

He also likes to bow down and touch his beak to the perch, then will stand up tall as he can and let out the loudest contact call a lovie can!

And Kisses! he will make kissing noises if you just look at him. In fact he surprised the vet the first time he saw him. After the exam, the Dr. brought him up to his face (I was worried that he was about to get a new lovebird nose ring :rotfl) and Ditto put his beak against the tip of his nose and made a kissing noise so loud you could probably hear him outside the exam room. :clap

09-28-2012, 08:09 AM
There are at least three of my hens who do the head bob also, although in the case of this flock they all are saying "pretty bird". this call was brought into the flock by Arial who was a rescue bird and has spread throgh the flock ever since. The call is always associated with happy times without fail. The intelligence and personality of these little people amazes me daily. There is one other call done only by one bird who was in a different home for two years and it is a very distinct coughing sound always associated with times when Zoey is unhappy, such as having to go to the cage for the night or not being let down into my shirt. I hope this has added to the conversation even though I wander off the main theme a little.


09-28-2012, 09:22 AM
Thanks to all for your replies! Our little friends never cease to amaze :D

09-28-2012, 03:44 PM
I make unhappy coughing nosies when my wife doesnt let me down her shirt to! i can relate to that lovebird! XD

09-29-2012, 07:02 AM
Every bird in my flock does it, all seven and the two I raised that live with a family member. Benny came to me already making kisses and spread his kisses and vocabulary around the flock. It's adorable.

Koko, my quaker parrot looks up at me after making kissing noises and giving kisses to my thumb or my cheek and asks "Good kisses?" I tell him "Yes!" And he says "Thank you!"

Frey and Odie, my lovies have added a lot of kisses, gestures and verbal chatter into their contact calls over time. Its very cute!

09-29-2012, 08:10 PM
today ALL of the kids were on top of one of the cages with their mates having a regular "pretty bird" concert. This is the first time for "Baby" to do this behavior! Pretty amazing!

Bernadette N
09-30-2012, 10:45 PM
Head bobs mean they are really happy!