View Full Version : Flock update - Mango & Sweetpea

09-30-2012, 03:23 PM
A couple of months back I introduced a young lovie (Sweetpea) to the rest of the flock and I had a lot of trouble with Muffin chasing Sweetpea around at playtime. None of the lovebirds except Marley would let Sweetpea get close to them and at the time Sweetpea had his own cage. Well after Gizmo sadly left us (he was Mango's best birdie buddy) i decided to slowly introduce Sweetpea to mango. Mango decided she was boss for a while and didnt want anything to do with Sweetpea but RESULT! the past couple of days little Sweetpea has been preening Mango and they cuddle up together now. This has made me so happy :)

Also Sweetpea seems to be quite a petite lovie, I thought it could be because he was the youngest but then I remembered when my Peaches raised her babies and how big they were. I got Sweetpea in march and he still had the black colouring on the beak so was still quite young but weaned. There isn't a huge difference in sie but its visable to see he's a smaller bird.

09-30-2012, 06:45 PM
I was away when you introduced your flock, but I am very happy to hear that things are going well with your introductions! As you said, some lovebirds get bigger as they age but it seems that others just have smaller frames. The lovebirds that live with me now are much bigger than the ones that live with my mother, though they are of the same species and two are even the same mutation.

09-30-2012, 06:54 PM
Thank you for the great update on Sweetpea and Mango! I'm so happy to hear this!

Sometimes friendships have to be built at a slower pace and it sounds like this was one of them. Hey, it's the end result that counts! :)