View Full Version : Escape artist's!

10-01-2012, 11:08 PM
Went swimming this morning like just about every morning. Got home to find 2 love birds roaming around on TOP of their cage. Some how they managed to open a side door on the cage. I have a hard time opening these doors..LOL

Took me a few minutes to get them back in. All I can say is thank goodness I put the little dog in a cage when I leave. My big dog is a chicken and hides downstairs until I get home.

It also helps that the birds just stayed on the cage. I will now be re-inforcing the cage so they can not get out while I am gone. That could of had a very bad ending.

I think I will also start comig in the side door. If they get out again and go to the table they would be right next to the front door when I open it.

Really freaked me out. One of the reasons I got this cage instead of the one they came with. Guess I was wrong on that one....ppat

10-02-2012, 08:46 AM
I've got a couple of very creative escape artists, too, and I always try to take precautions, thinking ahead as to what could possibly happen. Accidents only take a split second and any damage done may not be able to be repaired. One of the things I've done at my house is have an enclosure outside all exits from the house. Much easier to catch an escapee if there's only so far that they can go! :)

10-02-2012, 03:45 PM
been there! even haid pairs work together to lift the grates and doors!. i use sisal rope and wooden clothes pins depending on how much of a chewer they are.

10-02-2012, 05:01 PM
That's one reason Ditto got a new cage. The other is that the old one was too small. His old cage had the doors that slide up and even the steel clips that screw shut that hang his toys weren't good enough to keep him in there. He figured out how to unscrew the clips. :rotfl

10-02-2012, 07:21 PM
My lovies go threw a clothes pin in minutes...LOL

I bought a heavier cage for the same reason. They never got out of the old one even though I would hear them trying to lift the door on the food or water. Now iam checking those doors 2-3 times a day. I like to go in threw the sides because it is closer to the toys so I can switch them but my girls are getting too smart now....ppat

Pips mom
10-02-2012, 09:58 PM
I've come home to Pip out of his cage too! since then I twist tie the doors closed! They are smart little stinkers!

10-02-2012, 09:58 PM
Went swimming this morning like just about every morning. Got home to find 2 love birds roaming around on TOP of their cage. Some how they managed to open a side door on the cage. I have a hard time opening these doors..LOL

Took me a few minutes to get them back in. All I can say is thank goodness I put the little dog in a cage when I leave. My big dog is a chicken and hides downstairs until I get home.

It also helps that the birds just stayed on the cage. I will now be re-inforcing the cage so they can not get out while I am gone. That could of had a very bad ending.

I think I will also start comig in the side door. If they get out again and go to the table they would be right next to the front door when I open it.

Really freaked me out. One of the reasons I got this cage instead of the one they came with. Guess I was wrong on that one....ppat

Glad to hear nothing serious happened. . Having also experienced a couple wake up calls myself, it pays to prepare in advance for that which "might" or "could" happen. One of the most common being, walking out the door with a bird on your shoulder! ..............:omg:

10-02-2012, 10:38 PM
Speaking of that....I had a cockatiel that was as smart as could be. He always had the run of the house and we would wake in the morning too him on the bed chewing at my husbands hair. He Loved watching Andy Griffith show and would dance and whistle on the top of his cage.

Well, my kids wanted to get a cat and the cat and bird did not get along so we gave my bird to my brother-in-law. Pretty Boy was a little more restricted only because the S-I L didn't like the mess. But when she was gone Pretty boy was always on my BIL's shoulder. One day my Brother-in-law opened up the door with the bird on his shoulder. Yep, you guessed it, Pretty Boy flew away and never returned. I cried for days after that because Pretty boy was never outside before ( I got him as a baby) and worried that he didn't survive the cold Chicago winter.

Due to that lesson I am always very careful with my Loves. It is going to be hard for me to take the cage outside now becaue I will be worried they will get out and fly away...ppat

10-03-2012, 07:33 AM
Glad to hear nothing serious happened. . Having also experienced a couple wake up calls myself, it pays to prepare in advance for that which "might" or "could" happen. One of the most common being, walking out the door with a bird on your shoulder! ..............:omg:

That's why whenever Dittobird is out the I keep my front door locked. That way I can't walk out without unlocking it and hopefully noticing him (he'd probably run down my arm to see what I'm doing).

I did once leave one of the food doors open when I left the house for a bit (forgot to close it) and Ditto stayed inside. Fortunately he doesn't like to be out of his cage if I'm not around. If I leave the room while he's out, he'll fly around looking for me and if he can't find me he'll go back to his cage and wait until I come into view. Then he's a yellow blur coming right at me.