View Full Version : Sir Snip

Bernadette N
10-03-2012, 11:37 PM
I wasn't sure if this should go into the biters threads, or behaviour! But decided on this, as it's more chompy and snippy... not ouchies :-)

We have had our little bundle for six months now, and he is FINALLY letting us touch him. He is now letting us give him belly rubs, and scratches on his head and neck. He seems to love it. He does this really weird thing though.... when he has his neck scratch, he rolls his head back and forth with his eyes closed, and tries to bite things. Anything. Fingers get chomped, and occasionally the bars of his cage, or his fluffy hut gets bitten (while we pat him). If we stop the pat, he shuffles forward and puts his head on our fingers. The weird thing is, I think it's just because he likes to chew things. He seems so happy that he wants to clamp his little jaws shut on something. He doesn't hurt us when he does this (it's more clamping than anything). It's just a little odd. I know that lovies like to chew and bite (we call Beaker 'Sir Snip', because he snips everything apart and destroys stuff before eating it).

Does anybody else have any weird chompy behaviours??
