View Full Version : My lovebird is horny 24/7.. help!

10-04-2012, 03:23 PM
My lovebird is 5 years old and his horniness is awful. As soon as he gets out of his cage, he starts doing these weird little clicking noises. He really likes hair, so he humps fuzzy things. He has a stuffed animal muppet he goes to town on, and he's been seen trying to hump the bunnies. If I take away his stuffed animal, he'll try to hump my head. Nothing stops the clicking, the attempts, etc. He has a one track mind. He's also constantly regurgitating. To the point where his perch needs to be cleaned daily. I didn't realize right away when he first started feeding his perch and he coated the entire thing with his already-been-chewed food. Ick! I have tried giving him less daylight, I have tried taking away items that turn him on, etc, but nothing works. Is there anything I can do?

To make matters worse, when he gets horny, sometimes it makes our other male lovebird (4 years old) get horny, too. He prefers one particular knot that has to be shoved into the top of the cage. We took it away and he's horny less often, but Tuki is ruining that for him lately.

It's gotten to the point where my husband and I are driven completely crazy by the behavior. And I keep thinking if we feel this way, our little buddy must be frustrated beyond belief. Any tips?