View Full Version : Chronic Egg Laying

11-01-2012, 01:02 PM
So its been 7 months now and each month a new clutch of eggs are laid. I've tried all the advice I've been given from - leaving them be for 30 days, to removing paper to prevent them from nesting (they found ways to make a nest anyways with the one sheet of paper I had laid on the cage for cleanup - i can't not have some paper as cleaning the cage would be impossible). I also find if we don't give them some paper, they become overly aggressive with us.... its like they need to chew on something.

Other than giving them mineral supplements to try and give back vitamins...any other sugggestions so they don't die from all this egg laying?

11-02-2012, 04:19 AM
I've got a couple of thoughts and I'm going to start with the least drastic one.

Foraging. In the wild, birds spend most of their time foraging for food. It keeps them quite busy all day long, if they want to survive. Captive kept parrots have food easily available 24/7. Perhaps start making them work to find their food. Create a foraging basket or something that contains food where they have to do more than just sit on the edge of a seed dish and eat. I don't know if you've tried this and I've also not gone back and to see if it's already been mentioned.

Most drastic is seeing your avian vet and asking about Lupron shots. They do work. Downside is that they have to be repeated, although one of our Australian members said her vet tried an implant and I believe it's worked. Haven't had an update on Elmo in a while.