View Full Version : total confuse

11-11-2012, 11:30 PM
Hi every one (before any further I'am sorry if i hav typo on my post coz i dont speak or wrote english often :whistle:)
i really need help to lose my confusing mind about my pair LoveBirds(LB), i bought it from breeder / LB farmer about 8 month ago.

he said I can exchange the pair if its not hen and cock pair.
my pair LB already sleep inside the box right now and the way they stand is quit different, but still i am not sure they hav diff sex.

day after day i got confused and more confused, so please can any one tell me are they pair or same-sex. and how old LB ready to laying egg.

this are their picture




thanks 4 the help

11-12-2012, 02:30 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! Making sure you have a male/female pair can be confusing, that's for sure. Don't worry about your English. We have a number of members whose first language is not English.

A pair should be minimum of 12 months old before you let them breed. 18 months is really even better. With eye-ring species, eye shape can give you a clue to gender. Females tend to have almond shaped eyes, while males tend to have round ones. Look just at the eye, not the ring around it. DNA sexing is fairly accurate, as well. :)