View Full Version : Another ?, about yes, poop. ha

11-13-2012, 07:25 PM
Pichu lovesss to cuddle and her favorite place is my shoulder, she always falls asleep there. I have been using a handtowel for her to sit on for fear of her pooping all over me! ha. I noticed though that she seems to hold it. When she cuddles with me she never poops, but when I move her off she almost always poops a larger than normal amount on a paper towel I set her on. So I am considering buying some nice fluffy blanket fabric and making her a little lovebird size blankie that she can cuddle in and not poop in! I was wondering if she actually knows not to poop on me or if anyone else has lovebirds that seem to avoid pooping on them. I almost wonder if I could teach her that pooping on the paper towel is a good thing!

11-13-2012, 09:31 PM
......... I was wondering if she actually knows not to poop on me or if anyone else has lovebirds that seem to avoid pooping on them. I almost wonder if I could teach her that pooping on the paper towel is a good thing!

Yes. Both my lovebirds have learned over time to poop on a piece of typing paper placed just below the arm of our couch where I usually sit. This was learned through loads of positive reinforcement, with absolutely no emphasis on whether they had any accidents or not. Basically, whenever I thought they might let go (every 15-20 minutes or so), I would hold them over the paper and ask them if they needed to "go poopy?". If either one did, I would shower him with praise. .. Nowadays there are even times where they will head off to the couch arm just to poop on the paper. Of course, I still stumble upon a displaced bomb every now and then. .........:roll: