View Full Version : Bonkers

11-16-2012, 01:39 PM
It has occurred to me that all bird owners are nuts. As I type, I am sat cross-legged on the floor of our spare room, which no longer contains a bed but an enormous birdcage. Out of that birdcage has hopped an enormous sulphur crested cockatoo, Darcy, who is now busy helping herself to the veggies and salmon on my plate. Meanwhile, downstairs my boyfriend is in the shower with little Tarquin lovie on a perch thoroughly enjoying bath time with Daddy. This is NOT a normal way for a couple in their twenties to spend a Friday night!!! We are officially Crazy Bird People.

11-16-2012, 02:12 PM
One of my bedrooms is dedicated to some of my lovebirds, as is part of my garage (climate controlled, of course!) I share my bedroom with my macaw and part of my living room is home to several of my other larger parrots. I don't know what it's like to not share food with a feathered companion somewhere in the vicinity emphatically demanding their "fair" share of whatever that's on my plate that they can eat!

We're not bonkers! Nope! Bird people are special and we are all bird people here!!! :rotfl

11-16-2012, 02:23 PM
girl you have no idea! XD

11-16-2012, 07:28 PM
It has occurred to me that all bird owners are nuts. As I type, I am sat cross-legged on the floor of our spare room, which no longer contains a bed but an enormous birdcage. Out of that birdcage has hopped an enormous sulphur crested cockatoo, Darcy, who is now busy helping herself to the veggies and salmon on my plate. Meanwhile, downstairs my boyfriend is in the shower with little Tarquin lovie on a perch thoroughly enjoying bath time with Daddy. This is NOT a normal way for a couple in their twenties to spend a Friday night!!! We are officially Crazy Bird People.

Its ok. We understand. As long as you don't hurt yourselve's attempting to fly, everything should work out fine. ............:D

Pips mom
11-17-2012, 11:27 AM
Officially crazy bird people at such a young age! You should be proud!!! :rotfl:happy:

11-17-2012, 01:04 PM
Haha. Love the support on this thread :-) On a slightly unrelated note, I just cooked myself some mackerel and little madam has stolen some off my plate and gulped it down before I could stop her. Is that normal!? Our cockatoo sometimes eats salmon and lean chicken, and I know lovies can be a little cannibalistic and carnivorous... But Tark is going NUTS for this mackerel?! I've had to put her back in her cage to stop her fighting me for it, she's even licking the fishy oils off my fingers?!

11-17-2012, 03:38 PM
According to lovebird way of thinking, if it's mine, it's mine. If you have it, it's mine and I want/will take it! Sounds like you have an expert food thief in your midst! At least the stolen food is healthy and OK for Tark to eat!!! Ya gotta be a great cook there!! :lol

11-18-2012, 04:05 AM
Haha well I like to think so Linda! Tark and Darcy are both complete terrors for eating off my plate, it's a bad habit I let them get into really! If I put it in their bowls they ignore it, but off my plate its the most delicious food they've ever tasted! At least that way I know they are getting the variety they need. I was just worried about mackerel being ok for her? Some other sites have said it could be dangerous due to mercury levels etc.

11-18-2012, 06:22 AM
Small pieces of fish aren't going to do a lot of damage unless those small pieces become part of the regular diet. I find the same thing here. If the food is in THEIR dish, it's not quite the same (even if it's the exact same food) that they can share from your plate! :lol

11-18-2012, 02:49 PM
I find the same thing here. If the food is in THEIR dish, it's not quite the same (even if it's the exact same food) that they can share from your plate! :lol

In my house it's my hand that makes food irresitable. If theres something in his bowl he absolutely refuses to eat, all I have to do is put it in my hand and he'll eat it like he hasn't eaten in months! :rofl: