View Full Version : All you southerners, I need your help

10-17-2005, 03:35 PM
I spend a good portion of my day on the telephone. I've done this for many more years than I care to remember and have dealt with thousands of rednecks....errrr southerners :wink: only kidding , so I wonder why I never asked someone prior to this, but when you are having a conversation with someone from down south and they say "I appreciate ya" at the end of the conversation, what am I supposed to say in reply? You better appreciate it? :lol Is it supposed to be like a thank you and I should just say "your welcome"? And if anyone is confused, I'll spell it just like it sounds " apper-she-ate ya " :rofl:

Thank ya'll for your assistance....I appreciate ya :lol :lol :lol

10-17-2005, 03:42 PM
as a yankee that went to a deeply southern college and then moved down to florida to a job that has me handling accounts all over the southeast, I usually respond with "no worries". That just confuses the heck out of everyone. nothing like taking a southern expression and throwing an australian one back using a yankee accent....

10-17-2005, 04:19 PM
I'm also a Yankee (from New Jersey), and I've never heard this expression. It may not be used in FL, as it's new to me. From my limited knowledge of Southern dialect, the logical comeback would be "No problem!"

I'll be interested to hear what others have to say.

10-17-2005, 04:55 PM

That was a good try, but it's really pronounced, "preshate ya", and the appropriate response would be something like, "Sure thang" :D

I grew up in KY, and it was not quiet as slangish as I heard it when I move to MS, down there, you really have to pay attention or you really are left wondering what they said :lol

10-17-2005, 05:04 PM
Ahhhhhhhh ha! I knew someone would know. Thank you Lori, and you are right, the pronunciation does vary a bit, much like accents from state to state. ;)

10-17-2005, 05:27 PM
Thanks for the clarification! FL is more of a melting pot than southern. We get quite a mixture but not always everything.... :)

10-17-2005, 05:28 PM

That was a good try, but it's really pronounced, "preshate ya", and the appropriate response would be something like, "Sure thang" :D

I grew up in KY, and it was not quiet as slangish as I heard it when I move to MS, down there, you really have to pay attention or you really are left wondering what they said :lol

West Virginia is pretty bad too. I need a translator for those folks. Fortunately my job doesn't involve much phone time.

10-17-2005, 07:06 PM
Yep, that's what we say in Georgia too! I'm a southern girl heart & soul, but as someone once said "You need a passport to come down here". :D It's a very different world. MJ, we'll get ya talkin' right. :lol

10-17-2005, 11:03 PM
Being an Aussie i would usually respond with something like 'No worries mate' :D

10-18-2005, 12:20 AM
Purse ate you too.

10-18-2005, 03:08 AM
When I am told that I tell them "thank ya much sugar"


10-21-2005, 02:24 PM
This thread had me totally laughing.....I'm from the sticks in Arkansas, but I've never heard that expression. We say Ya'll and didja et yet.....naw....untoo?.....when Jeremy said...No Worries....it immediately made me think of Crockodile Dundee!.....even before I got the the one with (Mate )at the end. :rofl: ......MJ....you could just call them Hun.....that really gets people going sometimes. You know if an elderly lady calls you hun, it's great...but if someone your own age calls you hun, it's an insult.. :x ..but that prob. won't work on the phone....it's best used face to face......OH!!! and you can really say just about anything as long as you follow it with.....well, bless your heart, his heart, her heart, their heart....you get the idea. :2cents: