View Full Version : Purchasing Lovebirds

12-04-2012, 05:02 PM
I am interested in purchasing some black masked lovebirds.
Does anyone have any suggestions on reputable sellers?
I live in Hawaii. Any input anyone can give me will be appreciated.
Is there a certain time of year that is better than other times ?
What are the requirements to have it shipped? Do they have to be
vet checked? Thanks!!

12-04-2012, 05:06 PM
Check with the Bubbleking, Jeremiah. He's in Hawaii and he should know where to start looking. I would send him a PM if he doesn't chime in here shortly.

12-04-2012, 05:20 PM
Yeah, lovies always seem to find Jeremiah! :rotfl

12-05-2012, 04:19 PM
I am interested in purchasing some black masked lovebirds.
Does anyone have any suggestions on reputable sellers?
I live in Hawaii. Any input anyone can give me will be appreciated.
Is there a certain time of year that is better than other times ?
What are the requirements to have it shipped? Do they have to be
vet checked? Thanks!!


12-05-2012, 04:46 PM
Someone called? XD
One of our forum members maya sometimes has birds she needs to rehome and you cant find anyone better!
There is several veriatys of lovebirds here your best selection if maya doesnt have any is windward mall pet store thier selection is huge!
Kahala pet shop also carries them in a limited amount but i personaly dont like that store and how they treat thier birds as they are more geared toward selling thier high end puppys.
Tha being said i am always makeing toys, perches and playstands with guava and gum trees and may have extra if you need them or join me for a little hike and choose the ones you want :) send me a pm if you want my number :)