View Full Version : Untame Lovebird

10-17-2005, 09:58 PM
I have a black masked lovebird named Zora. She is not tame AT ALL and I am figuring that she was probably parent raised and not hand fed as she thinks humans are the devil. When I first brought her home everything terrified her. It's been about 5 months now and she has gotten to the point that she wont freak out when I put my hand in her cage to clean it or for a food/water change. She still gets as far away as she can but she does not act flighty like she did at first. When I sit still and talk to her through the cage she responds by "showing off" for me. She does lots of chattering and playing which makes me think that she is at least happy. Except for a vet visit I have not handled her at all. It just seemed to stress her out too much to have me chasing after her to catch her in her cage. Now that I see her settling in better I am trying to decide what to do. Should I try to hand tame her or should I just consider getting her another lovebird so she will have company? Although she seems content I am sure she would love to have the interaction of another lovebird. I am not interested in breeding at all. OF course, I am not even sure what sex she is.

Any thoughts?

10-18-2005, 03:07 AM
It mainly depends on you. She may never be a cuddly bird but she could be. I always let my birds come out and decide when they want to go back in as much as I can. I found a easy way to get mine back was putting a treat in cage and they normaly fly back to cage. Is Zora's wings clipped? If not this could also help in the taming process.

As for getting another bird I would find out Zora's gender first. Most females will not get along with otehr females(are exceptions to rule though). Females also prefer older males. But getting a male could mean eggs..lol. Also sometimes birds do not like each other so also depends on if you could handle cleaning 2 cages all the time. Remember to there is a 30-90 day quarantine you will need on a new bird. it is not a easy choice but you will know whats best for you and your bird.Now that i wrote a novel I will go..lol.


10-18-2005, 07:31 AM

As Steph suggested, I would find out Zora's gender before adding another bird. Most hens will not get along due to territorial issues, and one hen most times will be the alpha bird. It is quiet possible for one to kill the other, or possibly kill each other, even with a male/female pair. Introductions of either gender would need to be taken very slowly, and before introductions at all, there is a minimum 30 days quarantine, 60 days is best with a well bird check up from your avian vet to make sure the new bird is healthy and disease free.

If you want a relationship with Zora, I would try and form one before adding another bird though. You said you can put your hands in the cage, but she doesn't like to be handled. Are her wings clipped? If so, offer her an extra perch to exit the cage onto rather than your hand. Hands can take awhile for a bird to trust, and then again, some never do, or it takes longer than some to accept anyway. Take Zora to another room, away from her cage so she doesn't see her safe spot to go to. Whatever room you go to, make sure it is birdie safe. No open doors, toilet lids open, mirrors need to be covered, so she doesn't fly to the birdie in the mirror. Sit with her, and just let her explore a bit, talk to her, and in general just spend time with her. When you go to put her back in her cage, give her a treat as a reward for being good. Lovebirds understand positive, they do not understand negative behavior.

If you want to get Zora sexed, you can of course have your vet do it, or you can get a free kit from www.avianbiotech.com. You will need to pluck 5-7 chest feathers with tweezers to send in for DNA, the kit will have full instructions though.

Let us know how it's going. I'm sure you will get lots of advice, and we are always here to support in the taming process. It can take awhile, but in the end, it will be worth it. I can hardly wait for your excited post telling us about your first good outing :)

10-18-2005, 07:57 AM
You've been given good advise from Steph and Lori and I have nothing to add to that.

My adopted lovie, Oliver, is very tame, to the point of driving me nuts sometimes, :lol. Wants to be on me ALL the time. I just added two more, DNA'd males, brothers, and like you, I do not want babies! It is so much fun to watch them play together. They are tame and were handfed by the breeder, but they definitely prefer each other over me. They are caged together and my other lovie is in his own cage. They don't really get along with Oliver so while they do get out of cage time with me, they don't get nearly as much time out but are very happy together in their big cage.

10-18-2005, 02:30 PM
Thank you so much for your helpful advice. I will really consider the DNA sexing if I do get another. I don't want any fighting going on. Of course, if they end up not getting along I would be prepared to house them separate if need be. In the mean time we are going to work on taming. You all gave me wonderful advice, things I had not considered. I have other small hookbills, but they are all tame. One of the cockatiels would prefer not to be handled but he at least puts up with me and no biting! :)


10-21-2005, 11:00 PM
i have a female peachface. And it took close to a year for her to warm up for me. I would suggest you to just let the bird be and let her/him gain trust with you. Do you give your bird a treat or any food by hand? If not give that a try. Avi cake is a favorite of my lovebird. Talk to your bird and also try to sing to the bird as well. I use to sit in the room with my bird and she was like studying me then a fly over(inspect my ear). I sat with her about 1 hr a day. Its worth the try lovebirds are loveable pets and all my hard work was well worth it for me. I wish you good luck and hope this helps

10-22-2005, 05:22 PM
Our first lovebird, Zimberhoffen, is a 5 1/2 year old cobalt black masked lovebird we got from the petstore. He was as wild and fearful as they come. He hated people and would run like a banshee bird if he even saw a finger or eye twitch. I never thought we'd be able to build a relationship with him, but over the years he's become a great companion and he is a really sweet guy. He still hates hands but isn't so much afraid of them. He is stick trained and loves to play games and spend time with us.

I'm so glad we took the time and patience with him that we did because I can't imagine my life without him. I love to interact with all my birds it's just they each have their own ideas about how they want to relate to me and my husband.

You got some great advise and you will be amazed with what time and patience can do.

Good Luck :D

10-22-2005, 06:26 PM
Well....you've already received great advice....I have tame and untame. I put hanging seed cups with (seed or pellets) on the outside of the cage and leave the doors open to invite the untame birds out and to give the tame ones a place to sit and enjoy themselves.....they migrate up to the top of the cage and back to the food cups. I even have a couple of those tiny cages that are sold for finches....they are too small for birds.....but I use them as play cages......I picked them up dirt cheap, used......I wire the middle door open and put toys inside and out....and sit this on top of their own cage.....the lovebirds love this and think it's a hoot to go in and out and all over the little cages.....I even put some of those perch with a toy on one end of it on there and they love that too. Good Luck. It just takes time and patience and them getting used to a routine.

10-23-2005, 05:03 PM
i forced my lovie to like me :)

i grabbed her in the dark and held her tight to my chest :) and didnt let go.

i never was able to teach her to step up though... lol she's more content with letting me just pick her up, crawl inside my shirt and play/nap.

my other lovie that i bought her to be her friend...well, i let her be. never really bothered socializing with her... but she basically taught herself to step up. she still hates hand, although occasionally when i want some love from her, i'll grab her and give kisses all over her.. she is terrified when i do this but still wont bite...

of both of them, the second one listens the most and will always listen when i give her a command... the first? forget it...she rules the roost and will bite anyone... but she's my cuddle bug though... lol