View Full Version : lovie doesnt want stroking?

01-14-2013, 12:34 PM
I've had my lovie only a week but she's doing great, she comes to me when I call her and happily steps onto my hand, but she runs when I put my hand near her to give her any rubs or scratches. what can I do to show her I'm not going to harm her or anything?

01-14-2013, 05:11 PM
If you've only had her for a week and she comes to you and hops on your hand, you're doing good.

Give her more time to learn to trust you. Patience is the key to a happy lovie.

Even my little snuggle bug Ditto needs to be in the mood for scritches and will let me know when he wants them (which is almost all the time but not quite).

01-14-2013, 05:46 PM
Hi Ladybug. .. Daves right. Having her come to you when you've only had her for one week is a really huge step, so it sounds like she just needs more time. As a way to help initiate beak rubs, have you tried offering a sunflower seed or whatever she prefers between your thumb and forefinger? Another method is start out stroking her just using your forearm, then gradually work towards your hand. .. Something to note; If your holding her in one hand while trying to stroke her with the other, it may be that your other hand presents itself as an intruder. That being the case, she might not yet view hands as being part of your whole anatomy. .. Sometimes they overcome this, other times not. .. Best bet would be to give her a couple more weeks or so, and continue to practice whatever feels most comfortable for the both of you's. .........:)

01-15-2013, 06:28 AM
Thank you both :)