View Full Version : Can I take my lovebird on a place

01-17-2013, 11:50 PM
Hi Guys,

It has been awhile since I posted on here.

I'm thinking of flying from the west coast to the east cost to visit my family and I wanted to take my lovebird with me. I wanted to see is it safe to take her with me on the plane, I know when the plane is ascending or descending there is alittle pressure change and our ears usuallly pop, but is it safe for a bird?

I would rather leave her with my friends but he is paranoid something my happen to her when she is with him. I guess he had bad experience with his bird which died.

Any advise would be appreciated.


01-18-2013, 01:15 AM
Meant on a plane. :rotfl

01-18-2013, 04:33 AM
The answer to your question depends on which airline you will be using for your journey. The ones most likely to allow you to have her in the cabin with you are Continental or Delta or at least they used to be. With new regulations, it's hard to say that this would be allowed. Make a few phone calls and find out what the new policies are. They may request that she fly as cargo and these 2 particular alrlines are the best for that. Continental would be my top choice.

It would be safe to have her in the cabin but an airline approved carrier is required.

01-18-2013, 05:42 PM
It will be on United, I would prefer AA but I found out they do not allow birds in the cabin.

I would never trust the airlines with my lovebird in the cargo. No way.

I did find a exotic bird shop and they do boarding! So I may do that.

01-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Have you already contacted United? They may no longer allow birds in cabin. I know that Delta still does. I've flown with two of my lovies in a single carrier for the cost of one.

I can give you a few tips.

#1, when you book your flight, you must tell them you will be traveling with a bird. Delta allows only so many birds in the cabin on any one flight. Maybe something like 2. That's not per person. That's total.

#2, some states require a health certificate of the bird upon entry. This got really tricky and hard to get direct answers when I was researching. If you call the airline, they may tell you it's not the airline or the airport, but the state. When you call the state...well, I don't remember what they said, but suggested I get one regardless. Otherwise, I might find myself stuck in the airport unable to leave with my birds until a vet arrived to inspect them at my cost. So, check the state you are going to and if you aren't sure, go to your vet and get the certificate.

#3, make sure to bring a throw blanket or something to cover the cage. Once you are in flight, if you happen to be by a window, be careful with the carrier on the floor, under the seat (which is where it must be). The air strip that supplies air condition is right there and your lovie will get blasted with cold air. So just have something to cover really good right there.

#4, food and water - if your lovie likes grapes or apple, cut some up and put in a plastic baggie to offer for hydration. I have some special food and water dishes that I bought that happen to work great for my carrier for giving water. You will not be able to have a water dish in place during take off. You will not be able to have anything at all in the cage at the TSA check point. Well, maybe a paper towel as a bottom liner and a few crumbs of millet or avi-cakes :) Make sure you have the food in a baggie as well so you can offer it once in flight and during any layovers. I had mostly avi-cakes and apple and water on my 8 hour total journey. The lovies did great! They say that while traveling a bird may not take water or food. Mine had no trouble, but mine were used to all sorts of different situations and traveling in the car and such.

#5, carrier - consider carefully and realize that not all travel carriers are TSA approved just because it may be called a travel carrier. Also consider the opening mechanism. I chose one that opens fully and with a little birdie slider on the tip. The top is almost completely visible with just the wires - not plastic. This way, they could see me at all times and were comfortable with that. The birdie slider is invaluable. I was extremely happy with my choice. I don't have experience with others, but I couldn't imagine having a different one.

Lastly, try to educate yourself on how the scenario should play out at the TSA checkpoint. Some agents may know how to handle this but some will not. On my return trip, the agent did not know what to do. The carrier and birds CAN NOT go through the X-Ray. They must be visually inspected. If the agent wants to inspect the carrier closely without the bird in it, please have them call their manager for proper procedure. This happened to me and was not a good situation. She actually asked if I would take my birds out. And I had two in together. This can turn into a very dangeous situation quickly. Even with the tamest of birds. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I complied and then wished I had not. My lovies were ok, but one got very nervous and started flying and squaking.

Have a great flight! :D

01-19-2013, 10:39 PM
Thank you so much kikibird!

I have checked united pet policy online and I will call them make the booking at the same time as mine.

The only two concerns I have is TSA, I won't take my lovebird out because she can fly.
I'm getting this travel carrier which is see through so the TSA agents can see the inside easily http://www.avianweb.com/crystalshuttlevaluepacks.html

She hates grape or any fruit so for water I may buy a water bottle at the airport terminal and give her before the actual flight. The flight is nonstop 5 hours so I think she will do fine. We did drive across country for week and she loved it.

So you think I should use a mini blanket when I put her under the seat? Good think you told me about the window seats being close to the ac system. I may book a aisle seat then.


01-19-2013, 11:41 PM
That travel carrier looks pretty neat. With the full acryclic, I would strongly consider that cover available for purchase also. At the very least something that will cover the carrier completely. Not just for in-flight, but in the airport also. For at least a couple other reasons. One, there is no "safety" zone for the lovie should she become startled. My lovies are fully flighted and, I like to think, well adjusted in a variety of situations. They stay on my shoulder or my person and if they are playing, the come as to me as soon as they are called. So, I didn't worry too much about taking them out. One lovie was fine. The other became startled and flew into the air. When I called her, she kept coming and circling my head but was startled by all the voices and oooos and ahhhhs, and overhead announcements, etc. There are children screaming, babies crying, other animals - dogs and cats maybe, and all sorts of noises that we don't think about. Your baby may do great, but it's better to be prepared for these things when it takes little effort to do so.

Don't know where you are going or coming from but will it be chilly/cold/drafty? A cover will help here also with all the openings in the acrylic.

Here is a picture of the carrier I got.
Don't think it was this site, but it's the same carrier. I really like the fact that it opens from the top and i can quickly get my hand in and out with little opportunity for the babies to be frightened and scurry into an undesireable situation. Those slats along the sides also allow for perches and dishes to be put in and easily taken out. Another reason why I liked the small slide open on top. It allowed me to put the water dish in during flight and secure it. You can offer the water in the airport before flight, but there will be lots of activity and she may not be interested during that time. Whereas, once in flight, she will settle down and then nibble and have some water. These are all just things to consider. Better to have a plan I say and not need it :)

Here are the dishes I used in flight just to give you some logistics on what worked with that kennel. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2754614&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInUS%2FNo Once put through the slots, it sits just right on the bottom. No jolting and it's closed so no splashing and spilling. It's not too deep that the lovies can't get to it. My vet showed me that dish for kennels.

Remember that your kennel will count as your carry-on. Which means you are allowed your one additional personal item.

One more thing, if you have the perches in place while going through TSA, you may be required to remove them. Technically, there should be nothing in the carrier but the lovie. A perch could be a lovely place (hollowed out) for illegal storage of something. Since it can't go through the x-ray, they won't allow it. With that side opening door, this could get tricky.

For the most part, my lovies and I had a wonderful experience (could have done without the fiasco on the return trip home). I was very glad I took the extra time and preparations suggested by my vet and sister in law, who works for an airline. I truly believe in made for a fun and enjoyable trip for all of us. Happy travels!!

01-20-2013, 02:52 AM
Wow you gave me all the info I needed. :-)

I heard if the TSA ask to take the bird out you can let them know the bird does fly so then they will have to inspect the carrier with the bird in it or you can request for a private screening room.

Now I need to decide if I want a carrier like the one you have or the one I have been looking at. As for the perch that can be removed, I may keep the empty dish in the carrier so once I pass security I can fill it with wate.
I may also put a snuggle hut in the carrier after I pass security so she can go in there.

I will buy the cover as well as use a blanket.

I will be going from ca to dc so the weather will be cold.

Hopefully things will go smoothly. :-)

01-20-2013, 06:42 AM
Well you and lovie have a wonderful trip. Like I said, as long as you are prepared and take steps it will be fun and smooth sailing, I mean flying ;) for you both. The folks sitting near me enjoyed visiting with my girls too! And I think the girls enjoyed meeting new people.

Don't think I knew about the screening room. Thanks for sharing! I'll remember that one :)

01-20-2013, 07:10 AM
I'm finding this information very interesting. I've shipped lovebirds by Continental Quik Pack (cargo) so I'm familiar with that aspect of it but I've not flown with birds in the cabin of a plane. Excellent information, kikibird!

01-20-2013, 08:25 PM
Thank you Kikibird.