View Full Version : New Birds In the House

01-25-2013, 08:51 AM
I have some questions.

The first is two birds just recently got added to the family. A friends sister didn’t want them any more and just offered them to me… so I accepted.

Originally I have a lovebird, Gypsy, and had her for… perhaps 2 ½ years now.

Now, she’s gotten a little friendlier over time. Will jump on my finger if I have food, or hang out on my shoulder, but will still bite if I try to pick her p and attacks a hand in her cage, so I leave that be.

She’s also VERY brave around the cats, she’ll taunt them their laying down and swoop over their heads and get closer and closer. They don’t do anything, just ignore her so I let her.

My question is I see she’s a little… brave and I was wondering if I hold even allow her near the other new birds (both parakeets, sweet, hand trained and don’t bite) or if a fight will insue. I can already tell she’s curios. I had them on their cage the first day and she tried to land on it, but I didn’t let her not knowing. Also, when they were on my solder and then left she immediately fly to my head and I don’t know if that’s a claim of territory thing.

Also, if I should introduce them, should I wait a few weeks until the new birds are comfortable here? And should I let their cages be together. Right now their on different sides of the room but can still see each other.

A little extra info, she is female, laid eggs last year, and even though I clip her wings, she can still fly somehow a week later. Determined little bugger. I clipped her because she eats all my posters, but it didn’t work, so I let her fly.

The two parakeets are clipped, cant fly, and I don’t know anyone’s age.

01-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you with us. :)

First thing I'm going to address is the cats. While they don't seem to pay attention to your lovebird, never forget that they are predators and birds are prey. One quick unexpected reaction from a cat and your lovebird could be seriously injured or killed. This same warning is true for dogs. I live with 2 older Cairn Terriers and I trust them about as far as I could throw them! Long and short of it is that I don't trust dogs or cats anywhere near my birds. I would discourage her behavior with them.

Be careful about letting her go to their cage or them coming to hers. Most parrots are very protective of THEIR homes and strangers/guests are not usually welcome. Your lovebird is strong enough to do some serious damage to the parakeets and if she lands on their cage, her toes are open to being bitten.

Hope this helps. :)

01-25-2013, 09:33 PM
Yeah, I figured the cats would have an issue if they weren’t so lazy. One ( a different one then the two that interact with the bird) did pounce in her once.
I pulled him off and threw him outside.
But ill keep them apart. Don’t need pets eating each other on me.

The birds ‘talk’ to each other right now, and not really a screeching sort of way so I take that as a good sign, or just stay qite when their not chirping, but ill keep them aprt too.
Thanks for the help.