View Full Version : What happens if I get another lovebird?

01-31-2013, 09:39 AM
I've had my little girl for over a year now and she has a nice relationship with me (since I also hand-fed her).
She's also managed to become friends with my 3 budgies, especially with my male one. She has actually mated with him and produced 3 clutches of infertile eggs (with no nest box). She even sings like them.
For a while now I've been considering getting another baby lovebird or baby conure. My worry is that my lovebird might bond with it and forget about me. Can this be the case after having her for more than a year? Also if I was to get a conure (keeping it in a different cage and/or room) can my lovebird become jealous of it. She is allowed to fly around the house when we are home.

01-31-2013, 11:09 AM
Chances are that your little girl will not be willing to give up her relationship with you should you decide to get another lovebird. In fact, she may see another lovie as an intruder and be quite hostile. I've seen this in action before. She cares a lot about you and you are important to her. Nothing will change that.

Keep an open mind, should you choose to explore this idea. It could go either way.

01-31-2013, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the reply! So anything can happen. Even if it is a baby lovebird she may still be hostile to it. Or, if she likes it, she may prefer his company to mine. I might have to change my mind, then.

01-31-2013, 12:22 PM
You don't want to put a baby lovebird anywhere near a mature hen! Even with all the hens I have, there are none that will tolerate a youngster. You could place them side by side, after 30 day quarantine, but no introductions until the baby is close to 8-9 months old. Even then, anything can happen.

01-31-2013, 01:50 PM
Really? I did not know that. I know about quarantining the birds but I did not know that hens could react like that to a baby lovebird! I will keep that in mind, thanks again.

01-31-2013, 02:45 PM
Sounds lke you have have a good flock dynamic i would keep it the way it is :)

01-31-2013, 05:13 PM
Chances are that your little girl will not be willing to give up her relationship with you should you decide to get another lovebird. In fact, she may see another lovie as an intruder and be quite hostile. I've seen this in action before. She cares a lot about you and you are important to her. Nothing will change that.

Keep an open mind, should you choose to explore this idea. It could go either way.

That's why I never got another one. Ditto won't even let people touch me, I don't know what he'd do with another bird.

He loves people and as soon as he see's someone new he has to fly over and check them out and begs for skritches. That all changes if they touch me however. Then it's blood time! :evil::evil:

01-31-2013, 07:04 PM
Sounds lke you have have a good flock dynamic i would keep it the way it is :)

I have to agree with this. It sounds like she has bonded to you very well and she is likely very happy with the way things are.

02-01-2013, 09:59 AM
That's why I never got another one. Ditto won't even let people touch me, I don't know what he'd do with another bird.

He loves people and as soon as he see's someone new he has to fly over and check them out and begs for skritches. That all changes if they touch me however. Then it's blood time! :evil::evil:

Mine does that too! She also like to go inside my clothes (not just pockets but under my shirt). If anyone tries to touch me, then she will rapidly zap them.

Sounds lke you have have a good flock dynamic i would keep it the way it is :)

I have to agree with this. It sounds like she has bonded to you very well and she is likely very happy with the way things are.

Thanks Mummieeva and thebubbleking! The only reason I was thinking of adding another lovebird was to keep her company when I'm at work and to also avoid the mating with the budgie :D I guess she will have to continue to hang around the budgies when I'm not home.