View Full Version : Changing colours?

01-31-2013, 02:04 PM
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on for so long, but I've had loads of exams and so on recently. But fear not, I'm back now! :rofl:

Anyway, the reason I came back on is because I wanted to know if Lovies could change colour. We have a pair called Luna and Flasket, and they're approximately one year old. They're both blue with white heads, because they're missing their yellow pigment. However, Flasket's wings appear to be turning a shade of green at the ends. Is this just a sign of him maturing, or has he started making yellow pigment? Or is it both?

Cheers all,
Ellen :)
ps. Sorry!!!!! I thought my thread didn't post the first time, which is why I re-posted it. I didn't mean to be a nuisance....