View Full Version : Scared lovie?

02-08-2013, 09:36 PM
So I've had my lovie for about 1 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks and he was fine but then he began to get really scared of my hands. I used to take him out and he'd shake but would calm down but now he freaks when my hand is anywhere near him and its hard to get him out because I talk to him and leave the cage open and nothing. I haven't tried millet yet but I was wondering how to get him use to me. The breeder's kids used to cuddle with him and I'm just wondering if he'd warm up to me too Xb He's slightly skittish because when I calm him down right when my hand stop trying to pet him and calm him down he takes off and his wings are growing back so he flies 2-3 ft and i have to catch him or else he might hurt himself. Any advice?

02-09-2013, 01:29 PM
Having owned him for only 2 weeks along with his reactions suggest that he's probably scared. You may also be presenting yourself as more of a captor rather than a flockmate, which could be the real reason why he's vibrating. .. While many people think that whenever a lovebird vibrates its a sign they are happy, thats not always the case. Instead, vibrating can also mean their apprehensive about something or are in a position they cannot get out of. .. I would step back for a few days and let him acclimate. Perhaps do a safety check such as remove or cover large windows or mirrors. Despite being clipped, not only does he need the exercise, but time to explore his new world at his own pace. ... Can you tell us how old he is? Do you know your birds true gender? ... Whats his name?!.......:)

02-24-2013, 06:42 PM
Having owned him for only 2 weeks along with his reactions suggest that he's probably scared. You may also be presenting yourself as more of a captor rather than a flockmate, which could be the real reason why he's vibrating. .. While many people think that whenever a lovebird vibrates its a sign they are happy, thats not always the case. Instead, vibrating can also mean their apprehensive about something or are in a position they cannot get out of. .. I would step back for a few days and let him acclimate. Perhaps do a safety check such as remove or cover large windows or mirrors. Despite being clipped, not only does he need the exercise, but time to explore his new world at his own pace. ... Can you tell us how old he is? Do you know your birds true gender? ... Whats his name?!.......:)

Sorry it took me a while to respond >.< hes in a corner of the room where he's able to see us and he's not near and mirrors or large window. He's gonna be 11 weeks as of 2/25/13 and I'm unsure of his true gender and his name is Pikachu ^-^ (he's a lutino so he look like one XD) We talk to him everyday and I put my hands near the cage but he flips out and he vibrates so I kind of back off since he looks so traumatized. Even changing his food he gets up to the highest part of the cage and watches me (bowls are removable so I dont put my hand in) and he won't come out to explore at all >.< but he chirps a lot and when I get into his view he stops so I'm not sure if he's calling for me or is just frightened