View Full Version : poor pig

02-09-2013, 12:55 PM
i am worried about pig,(nothing new, i always worrry about the little pig) i noticed a couple days ago he had a cut on his beak. i dont know if he got it from ernie or one of the other guys picking on him or if he hit it on something, i put him in a cage by himself and i have been putting peroxide on it, i read in here that peroxide might sting so i started putting whitch hazel on it today, it does not look infected but it looks like it it peeling, has anyone had a lovie with an injury to the beak like this and has it healed ok??


02-09-2013, 01:17 PM
What you are looking at is puncture wound and it's most likely caused by another bird. I've seen damage inflicted by lovebirds and this looks worse than what a lovebird beak can do. Can he get to cages of your larger parrots? That's a nasty injury.

As long as you keep it clean and it doesn't get infected, it will heal. The damaged area will simply grow down the beak and finally "fall" off the tip. It can take a while for that to happen. Witch Hazel is good for cleaning and you can even put either a bit of A&D Ointment on the injury or Neem Cream if you happen to have any.

The flaking is damage to the outer keritan layer, which makes me think the injury was not caused by a lovebird, although I could be wrong.

02-09-2013, 01:36 PM
thanks linda, the lovebirds are in the bedroom and the 3 larger parrots are in the living room they are never together. strange, i wonder how it happened? i have pig now in a cage by himself now.

02-09-2013, 01:45 PM
That being the case, another lovebird is most likely responsible and that was one heck of a bite! That's one of the worst beak injuries I've seen that was done by another lovebird, which is why I originally thought a larger parrot did it.

Watch his eating, as you can believe the injured area is sore and just keep an eye out for any signs of infection. Did you check inside his beak to see if the bite penetrated all the way through? I've seen that happen, too.

02-09-2013, 02:06 PM
no , i checked and it didn't go through , i never realized how thick their beeks were before. i hope he heels ok, pig and i have been through alot !
remember this....

02-09-2013, 02:26 PM
How well I remember those photos of Pig! Barring infection, it should heal just fine. I've only seen one beak injury become infected and that was on a Quaker Parrot that was given to me with the infection already present. The injury proved fatal because the owner just didn't care. :(

02-10-2013, 09:53 AM
i dont know what is going on with my birds, last night sunny had a straight up an down cut on her beak with brusing on one side....... first pigs beak , then tilly dies , now sunny ?? i just dont understand these injuries , mabey their beaks ars softer then they should be....


02-10-2013, 10:38 AM
Do you potentially have a hen that's going into laying condition? That can cause aggression. Pick up the known hens and gently feel between the pelvic bones. If you find one that has those bones spread about the width of your little finger, chances are that one will be laying and she will become very territorial. I've seen this in action before. What you will have to do is isolate that hen for the safety of the others.

02-10-2013, 12:43 PM
i will check,
thing is pig was in a cage with 3 other males,
sunny was in a completly different cage with mom and dad and sibblings,
i think i am going to have to do some major cage changes, could be that twitty and kiwi are wanting to have more babies....

Pips mom
02-10-2013, 09:45 PM
Awww........poor little birdies! Love the photo of Pig with his head tilted! I've never had any beak injuries here, only foot ones! I sure hope they heal up fast. :(

02-11-2013, 02:56 PM
I have had injurys like that keep it clean and use a little aloe to promote healing and it will fade. I think there is some rearangeing of the pecking order going on.

02-11-2013, 06:03 PM
well i have done some rearranging , some aren't to happy with it but i need to make sure all are safe,
pig is in a cage by himself.... ernie , trish and suzie are all still together (all males)
i took twitty and kiwi out of the cage they were in with their not so little babies, and they each have their own cage.
their babies 3 females and 2 males are still all together for now, we will see how that works.
tilly's cage is empty :(

02-17-2013, 12:20 PM
lots of TLC and both pig and sunny are both looking much better.

02-17-2013, 01:22 PM
Yes. Both injuries are looking much, much better. What will happen now is that they will simply "grow" down the beak until they just "fall" off the tip. How is the re-arrangement working?

02-17-2013, 02:51 PM
it is working for me but i dont think they are too happy lol. they were just out playing but now they are back in their own cages,
pig (male)has his own cage,
twitty and kiwi (husband-wife/brother-sister)have their own cages (for now)
ernie is still in with suzie and trish(all males)
the five babies (not so babies any more) are still all together, 3 females 2 males. The camera just proved they are all trouble makers and all pick on each other!!!!