View Full Version : A lovebird Product killed by lovebird

02-14-2013, 01:38 PM
Our wonderful happy and healthy lovebird, Bella, died today from a bird wash shampoo.

Bird Bath Spray
Four Paws
We read the instructions and followed it to the tee immediately after spraying it on her we could tell that she wasn't acting normal so we quickly rinsed it off of her...it only took five minutes for Bella to die belly up on the bottom of her cage. There was no warning or notice on the bottle.
There is nothing we could have done to stop the reaction.

We called the company and they going to preform an autopsy on her to check if she breathed it into her lungs or if she had a severe allergic reaction.

Don't risk killing your bird, don't buy this product...The product had a picture of a lovebird on it and it killed ours...Just because a product is for birds doesn't mean it won't kill your bird, be absolutely sure it is safe before using a product.


02-14-2013, 01:42 PM
OMG!!!!! poor thing!!!!! must have been inhailed poor thing! grrr! we are here if you need us!

02-14-2013, 05:52 PM
That's horrible! Even if she breathed it in, one would assume that a bird bath spray would have to be non-deadly if inhaled, just because... duh! They're birds!

Pips mom
02-14-2013, 10:34 PM
Oh my god, that's horrible! :very_sad: I'm so sorry this happened to you. How scarey that something made for birds can kill them. They should recall this item.

02-15-2013, 09:24 PM
Hi, so sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking time to let us all know about the dangers of this product. Hopefully this will be removed from the market soon.


02-16-2013, 06:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. .. Have you followed through on the companies offer to perform a necropsy?

Unfortunately, many products such as Featherbright, Natra, Feather-Glo, Ultra bitter, etc, can contain harmful ingredients or even deadly bacteria. In fact, due to various legal loopholes, disclosures regarding actual ingredients are often times non-existant. Leaving huge doubts as to whats actually in them.

Four Paws bird bath spray claims to contain nothing but lanolin, aloe, and natural preen gland oil. Although I have doubts these are the only ingredients they use, just those listed on the bottle are enough to raise a red flag. .. Take for instance "natural preen gland oil". Could this be the same ingredient used in clothing or hair dye? If its natural, how is it manufactured? .. And "lanolin". Where is it stated that lanolin is actually safe for avian use? .. Also note, most of these sprays carry no expiration date leaving their shelf life a complete mystery. Chances are, you may be spraying your bird with bacteria. .. Fact of the matter is, many of these over the counter products really are nothing but snake oil. Worse yet, aside from losing your parrot, due to being relatively inexpensive, they are often times used in place of a much needed veterinary exam.

Once again, i'm sorry for your loss of Bella. Hopefully though, by sharing your grim message, others will heed the warning and avoid using these products at all costs.

02-18-2013, 09:36 PM
The Four Paws company's avian veterinarian contacted a qualified university to preform the necropsy/autopsy on Bella so that the results are purely based on what they found not bias. They haven't contacted us accept to ask us a couple more questions such as if we had any other birds in the house, which we do. (only a female Solomon Island Eclectus parrot)
I couldn't imagine what else could have killed her so suddenly...The bird showed symptomes immediately after spraying it on her and one of my family members even told me that they thought it was going to die even before she did... I noticed how strange the bird was acting but I just couldn't believe that they could sell something that could actually kill our bird...but now I am much more suspicious of products in general.
When we bought Bella they said she was 6 months old and we keep her for 10 weeks (we bought this spray from the same pet store we bought Bella) until she died february 14th. The Four Paws company isn't manufacturing this product any longer and is waiting for the autopsy results. I will update you guys on the findings as soon as I get the call.

Thank you for all your support,


02-19-2013, 09:01 PM
Wanted to mention, that if possible, have the product itself independently tested for bacteria or other harmful ingredients. ... At any rate, I sure hope you soon find the answer.