View Full Version : Wish I'd had the camera ...

Buy A Paper Doll
10-18-2005, 08:47 PM
M&M have both a pavillion and a cozy at night, just in case someone decides they need their own space. (Yeah, they're spoiled, so what?) Anyway this morning I found them snuggled up together in the cozy. Milo fell asleep while preening Melly; he was sound asleep with his beak in Melly's neck. They looked so sweet and cuddly for those few seconds ... before Melly bit Milo on the toe. Poor Milo, he just can't get a break.

10-19-2005, 08:01 AM
Awwww, how sweet is that? Very!!! :) I hadn't thought to offer my boys two cozies at night and since I have three (thank you, Miss Shy!) maybe I should do that. As of last night, they are sleeping in their big cage in their new bird room so I have plenty of space to add a second cozy. Just got to figure out a way to hang it where it won't be higher than a favorite toy that would get pooped on! :D

10-25-2005, 08:12 PM
Awwww......lovies.....just one special moment after another......or biting.....I prefer the special moments. :blush: