View Full Version : New lovebird fell in love, but that wasn't the plan!

02-28-2013, 09:21 AM
I first posted here about 6 months or so ago when I got a pair of lovebirds, not knowing too much about them at the time but wanting to learn. They were sold to me as a pair, but I came to find out that they really weren't. One is a peach face pied and one is a masked. I felt compelled to separate them as the peach face (Havana, aka "the diva") was being mildly aggressive to the timid masked (Caya) and I didn't want it to escalate. Neither one of them is tame, but they do enjoy coming out the cage on their own terms and will talk to me, and Havana will sit on a playset right next to me for a long period of time. They don't bite, but will run from hands. I'm OK with that because they are beautiful, comical and endlessly enjoyable to watch, even if they are not cuddly. I don't know their genders.

Recently I was picking up supplies at a local shop and there was a single, peach face lovebird there who kept running to the front of his cage and chirping at me to get my attention. It was so cute I had to ask if I could see if he was friendly and he stepped right up and ran up to my shoulder! I just couldn't resist him. I got him a separate cage and planned on him being bonded with me, I had no plans to put him with my others. I set up his cage where he could see and hear my other lovies for company while I'm out, then spent lots of time playing with him when I was home. After a few days it was clear that he really wanted to get over to Havana's cage and check her out closer. I tentatively let him, warning him that he would likely get a nip on the toe, as that is typically been Havana's behavior with other birds, but like all kids, he needed to see for himself. To my surprise, there was no open beak stance from Havana, but instead a little song and tail shaking dance! I started letting them have a little supervised time together each day and they fell quickly in love. They now live together and are inseparable.

I'm happy for them, but a little sad that the bird who I thought was destined to be "my" bird is now Havana's and is less interested in coming to me because he doesn't want to leave her side. I guess you can't control love! If I had WANTED them to bond, I probably couldn't have gotten it to happen, that's the funny part. I just had to share their story...

02-28-2013, 11:30 AM
Funny how things happen sometimes, isn't it! :) However, perhaps you've not lost a companion but possibly found another one. Had you thought about leaving the cage door open and see if your friendly bird will still come out and want to socialize? If so, allow it and enjoy the time. In the background, know that the unfriendly one will be watching and seeing that you are not harming the friendly one and that could spark an interest in checking you out as a possible "playground......" Parrots learn trust by experience and it's amazing how relationships can change between human and parrot. Work with these 2 and see what happens!

02-28-2013, 02:37 PM
xD now you can spend more time with caya!

03-01-2013, 08:10 AM
My chirp on the subject is that in time you will look like a beehive if you are patient!

I have two very bonded pairs of peachies and although they spend the vast majority of their time by themselves while I work, They are always very exited when I get home (they know the sounds of both vehicles) and we start communicating to each other the second I come in the door.

Without exception there is out of cage time every evening and a couple of times a day on any days that I am home. The rewards are immeasurable! for your being patient in the beginning.

03-01-2013, 10:42 PM
I tried what you suggested and just had the cage door open near me. After a while Tiki started popping in and out and eventually spent a little time with me while Havana watched. I'm going to keep doing that and see how it goes. It would be amazing if Havana would be interested in having contact as well eventually!

Havana used to sleep on top of her snuggle sack every night but never once went in it Tiki loves to go inside since he moved in to her cage and now she follows him and they sleep together in it alot. She obviously trusts him and learns from him, so that's good. Now they are pulling the fluff out of the inside though, so I'm not sure how long that will last!

One awkward question ... Tiki did a "happy dance " the other day in front of Havana and left some liquid deposits behind, ummm, normal?

03-02-2013, 01:23 AM
......... One awkward question ... Tiki did a "happy dance " the other day in front of Havana and left some liquid deposits behind, ummm, normal?

I suspect what Tiki's leaving for Havana is regurgitate, or rather, a generous offering of food. As long as its not from another orafice such as his behind, everything should be good to go. .........:nyah:

03-02-2013, 09:20 PM
Thanks, I'll just keep an eye on things. Today's new developments : after another "Tiki happy dance" Havana spread her wings and those two got busy! This was during out of cage play time. Much later in the day they were back in their cage and when i put my hand near Tiki, Havana gave me a little nip, which she has not done before. "Stay away from my man! " right? So let them be, but i wondered if they have heat cycles and does the behavior change during them? This is very foreign territory for me...