View Full Version : Lovebird jealousy/aggression--inherent behavioral variation or result of environment?

03-01-2013, 02:03 PM
Just wondering if jealousy and aggression (or, mate attachment?) are simply behavioral traits that vary among individuals, or if they're almost always a direct reaction to the type of human interaction they receive? Or is it linked to gender?

I've read quite a few instances of well-cared for lovebirds, who love their mate but can't stand anyone else--to the point where they draw blood. My lovebird is fine with literally anyone; she'll fly on them, nibble their ears, etc. She wouldn't necessarily want strange hands touching her, but she's not aggressive. I'm wondering if we just lucked out and got a well-behaved curious bird, or if how she's interacts with others is a result of the type of bond she's formed?

She is, however, very jealous of our cockatiel. Whenever I give treats or whistle to the cockatiel, she basically reacts like 'HEY HEY HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME??', even if I just gave her attention beforehand.

(I'm 99% sure our lovebird is male, I got her as a kid and gave her an effeminate name..)

03-02-2013, 08:33 AM
Based on my own experience, behavior will vary by individual parrot. I have larger parrots that are very protective of me and I have others that will go to anyone at all. If someone asks to hold one of them, I have to be careful about which one so no one gets bitten. I've found the same thing is true with my smaller birds, too. Males are usually easier going than hens, unless you happen to be my male Military Macaw. He's momma's boy all the way, no exceptions!

Pips mom
03-02-2013, 06:20 PM
My male lovie Pip shows no signs whatsoever of jealousy. He's so social......the more the merrier! he is a bit timid to strangers, but other birds or animals he just wants to be right there with them. My larger bird Ivy is extremely jealous though......mostly of the tiels. If I talk to one of them or handle one of them, she'll come running right over and get uspet, even start screaming!.........she's bitten me twice before for handling my other birds! She's not so bad anymore, but I still have to be careful when handling them, and she doesn't like them going into her space!!

03-04-2013, 02:25 PM
I have found it is a individual birds personailty.

06-13-2013, 09:32 AM
i am starting to see jealousy with Lacey. She does not want my beagle near me when mollie is there too and mollie gets jealous of Lacey in return. Lacey will lunge at mollie to get her to back off. Lacey has seen me give mollie a doggie treat and think she's supposed to have it too, tried to steal it from mollie while she was playing on the floor with me. Do others have this jealousy issue with their other pets?

06-13-2013, 10:44 AM
Parrots can be extemely protective of what they consider to be "theirs" and that includes human companions/mates. Lacey sees you as hers and isn't all so willing anymore to share you with anyone/anything else. My Military Macaw is like that. When he's with me, I'm all his.....no sharing allowed at the risk of aggession on his part towards whatever he sees infringing on his territory.

My solution to the problem is separate attention times. I avoid the problem and it seems to work for everyone.

06-13-2013, 11:02 AM
thanks linda, I guess I didn't think I was considered "hers" after only a month with her. how long does it take to be considered "bonded" then? I thought it takes quite some time....

06-13-2013, 12:15 PM
Again, it depends on the individual parrot. Sometimes it takes a while. In other cases, the trust relationship can form very quickly. Such was the case with my Timneh Grey, Harley. I met Harley at a bird show and he took up with me almost instantly. I think I may have reminded him of someone and all he wanted was to be with me, even though I didn't make the decision to offically take him home with me until the second day of the show.

Sometimes, the person who bought the parrot doesn't turn out to the the favorite. The purchaser wants nothing more than a good relationship with the parrot but the parrot has a different favorite person. Nothing you can do about it but accept what happened. :) My female Military Macaw absolutely adores my oldest daughter........

06-13-2013, 04:44 PM
Ditto is like that too. He loves people though. He'll be your best friend as long as you don't touch me. :happy::happy: Touch me and he turns into this guy :evil::evil: