View Full Version : Have a lovebird that has not moved from the same spot for over five months.

03-07-2013, 04:31 PM
Hello all!

First of all thank you for taking the time to read this as I am at my wits end.

I was given a lovebird as a pet after someone (that someone would not be me btw ;) killed my former lovebird and I am having issues.

First of all, I was told that he was hand raised which does not mean too much if he was not taken cared of. Second of all the bird is alive and breathing so before you ask he is not dead :)

I got him about five months ago and named him Mr. Peabody and have spent almost every waking hour with him (I am unemployed so I can do that.) Now the thing is that he appears completely healthy, he grinds his beak, he gets all poofy, he has a healthy appetite. But no matter what I do he refuses to move out of the same spot for over the last five months. He won't play with toys, he won't move back and forth anywhere other than to eat or to drink. Once he does this, he goes right back to that one spot.

I know that lovebirds are territorial but he will not go anywhere other than that one spot in the cage he is in. He won't even explore the cage. I have never seen him take a bath other than once. So as a result, I am beginning to get worried. He won't come for treats nor anything else. So if anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it. And yes his wings are clipped.

03-07-2013, 05:32 PM
You could always get your hands in there and move things around. I found that occasionally 'renovating' the insides of Athena's cage reinvigorates her curiousity for things.

03-07-2013, 05:47 PM
I did try to move things around every few weeks or so feeling that would have an effect. Unfortunately it does not. The only time he does move other than to go for food is when I put my hand near him. When I move my hand back he comes right back to that spot after giving me rebuke. :)

03-08-2013, 12:44 PM
..........I know that lovebirds are territorial but he will not go anywhere other than that one spot in the cage he is in. He won't even explore the cage. I have never seen him take a bath other than once. So as a result, I am beginning to get worried. He won't come for treats nor anything else. So if anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it. And yes his wings are clipped.

Not sure here, but for whatever reason it sounds like your lovebird my may still be apprehensive. Was he (or she) clipped shortly before bringing him home? Sometimes thats enough to put a damper on things. .. What type of diet does your lovebird enjoy? Are there any treats such as millet you could stick in between the cage bars opposite of his favored spot? Does he have a swing or an extra perch or two? Other than your scarey hand, have you attempted to use a dowel or perch for step-ups? Really, its not unusual that certain lovebirds take months before they'll settle into a new environment. Some birds can also be taken aback by too many advances and need to be given room to come out on their own.

03-08-2013, 01:11 PM
Where is his cage located? He may not feel comfortable with its placement and that can cause apprehension/fear.

03-08-2013, 03:14 PM
Not sure here, but for whatever reason it sounds like your lovebird my may still be apprehensive. Was he (or she) clipped shortly before bringing him home? Sometimes thats enough to put a damper on things. .. What type of diet does your lovebird enjoy? Are there any treats such as millet you could stick in between the cage bars opposite of his favored spot? Does he have a swing or an extra perch or two? Other than your scarey hand, have you attempted to use a dowel or perch for step-ups? Really, its not unusual that certain lovebirds take months before they'll settle into a new environment. Some birds can also be taken aback by too many advances and need to be given room to come out on their own.

I will answer these one at a time.

1. Yes, he did have his wings clipped at a very early age. I know that he was no more than three months old as there was still black on his beak when I got him.

2. He has two swings and a few toys in the cage. I give him a mixed diet of seed and have tried to use treats but he does not seem to be interested in these for some reason although to be honest I have never tried mullet so I think I will take your advice on that. :)

03-08-2013, 03:15 PM
Where is his cage located? He may not feel comfortable with its placement and that can cause apprehension/fear.

His cage is near my seat in front of the computer (he is sitting here with me right now.) He seems very content and I have seen him stretch and grind his beak as well as being all poofy. In fact he is going to sleep as I type this :) So he seems to be doing well.

03-08-2013, 05:21 PM
His cage is near my seat in front of the computer (he is sitting here with me right now.) He seems very content and I have seen him stretch and grind his beak as well as being all poofy. In fact he is going to sleep as I type this :) So he seems to be doing well.

Being so young yet, hopefully the poofy thing is brief, and only occurs every so often, otherwise, he could be ill. .. As for cage location,... when you say he's in front of the computer near your seat, is he against a wall or no?

Besides offering millet, you might try birdy cornbread, or even popcorn. (Just make sure you use a hot air popper without adding butter/salt/ and any other stuff we humans can't seem to live without :nyah:) .... Please keep us posted. .......:)

03-08-2013, 07:41 PM
Being so young yet, hopefully the poofy thing is brief, and only occurs every so often, otherwise, he could be ill. .. As for cage location,... when you say he's in front of the computer near your seat, is he against a wall or no?

Besides offering millet, you might try birdy cornbread, or even popcorn. (Just make sure you use a hot air popper without adding butter/salt/ and any other stuff we humans can't seem to live without :nyah:) .... Please keep us posted. .......:)

The poofy thing is hard to describe but I don't think that it is an indication of sickness. He has been doing that since I have had him and that was five months back. I think that if he were sick he would have died by now. There are times (and this just started a few days ago) where he seems like he wants my attention and begins to flap his wings and screech like he is pouting :)

He is not against a wall during these times as there would be no way to do this. When I put him back against the wall he starts to screech until I put him next to me again. I suppose those are good signs. One of the things that I will mention is that he had a nesting box which I removed as he never came out other than to eat.

03-09-2013, 09:25 AM
There are times (and this just started a few days ago) where he seems like he wants my attention and begins to flap his wings and screech like he is pouting
This is a very good sign, as it means he's enjoying your companionship! You have him in a good location and I don't think that's the problem. If he never learned to play with toys, he doesn't know what to do with them, so he ignores them. Same thing with food he's not seen before. If he enjoys being with you, perhaps have a plate with food on it that you can share with him, such as fresh vegetables. Lovebirds are social eaters and what you eat, he will most likely want to try, as well.

If his flights were already clipped when you got him, hopefully, he learned to fly before that happened.