View Full Version : A Lesson for Grandma

Joanie Noel
10-19-2005, 09:16 PM
My grandma is visiting and asked how my birds are doing. Besides going into my whole usual overly-enthusiastic one-sided conversation on how cute and funny my birds can be (please tell me I'm not the only one like this), I remarked on how glad I am that the bird room in the new apartment has a window ledge so the birds can sit there and look outside for some entertainment. I explained how each bird steps up on my hand and is transferred to the ledge one by one. I didn't realize how funny it would sound to an outsider when I said, "I always make them sit in the same order because I know who will fight with who." :blush: My grandma looked a little confused at first, then laughed and said, "Wow, it's like they're kids."

I'm waiting for the day when all bird and non-bird folk alike will realize that. Gotta work on them one by one I guess. :rofl:

- Joanie

10-20-2005, 06:37 AM
Joanie, it is kind of funny that we can talk about our dogs or cats and most people don't find us odd but when it's about our birds, I've experienced some very strange looks and lots of eye rolling! :D The one good thing about getting old......I don't care what people think of my bird addiction! Just ask my family! :D

10-21-2005, 04:55 PM
Yes... it is funny how people respond to bird information isn't it. And then when they find out just how much fun it is.....it's an entirely different story.
I'll tell you something that turned some heads at the last bird show I went to, I bought a young cockatiel (supposedly a male Lutino) and the guy pulls out a crystal similar to those for sale in the mall on a necklace (long pointed crystal) only his was hanging from a key chain. He holds the bird on it's back in one hand and dangles the crystal over it's chest area with the other hand, gets it swinging in a circlular motion above the bird. Ok, if the bird turns it's head side to side, it's suppose to be a male. If the bird bobs it's head up and down it's suppose to be a female. He said it's like taking a pencil on a string and holding it over a pregnant woman's belly in the same circular swinging manner and to tell if she will have a boy or girl.....He says, you've never heard of that? .....Um, No......Ok......here's the jaw dropping information that came out of my mouth.....No, but I know how to witch a well. Two ladies that were looking at his birds gave me a horrified look with their jaws on the ground.....and I said, you know.....with 2 bent hangers or pieces of wire.....witching a well.....looking for water.....so you can drill a well for water. Well, they've never heard of that either......and my goodness, we are still in the Ozarks over here in Missouri....and it's a very common practice among people my dad's age (62)....been doing it all their lives so people can drill a well for their home. Sheesh!!!

10-21-2005, 07:16 PM
Paulette the first breeder I ever meet did that to her birds and swore by it 100%. Funny thing is the neddle on a string thing when pregnant was right for all 3 of mine..lol.


10-22-2005, 12:13 AM
I think non-bird people are a little freaky. I love to mess with them. My new favorite thing is to list off the names of all 21 of my birds. The reactions I get when I get about half way through is too classic :lol .

Joanie Noel
10-22-2005, 08:25 AM
Laura, people already react with surprise when I say I have four birds, as if I have a houseful of cats. I can only imagine with your 21.

:rofl: :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
10-22-2005, 11:08 AM
Hubby reports he was talking to some people at work about plans for the weekend. He slipped and said, "Oh, I'm just going to relax and hang out with the wife and babies." When they found out he was talking about our BIRDS they made fun of him.