View Full Version : My Totoro :(

03-15-2013, 10:18 AM
We got Totoro 2 weeks ago and he was the sweetest thing. All he wanted was cuddles and attention. But now he is EXTREMELY bitey. He CHOMPS down where before he'd only nibble very gently. He won't stay in his cage without chirping loudly for attention (He is only in there alone for 3 hours minus sleeping hours) and he has no interest in his toys. I tell him "NO!" everytime he bites and attacks but he doesn't listen. I've had 9 parakeets and 1 cockateil and they've never acted this way. please help!

03-15-2013, 12:47 PM
Time for basics!

It sounds like territorial issues. Does he bite when he's out of his cage? If not, perhaps you have a female.

When mine gives me that 'open mouth, i will bite you' posture, I put my finger up in the air and slowly wave it side to side while saying NO very firmly, then bring it towards her. That's usually enough for her to back off.

Also, let her/him say when they will come out. Lovebirds are... odd personalities.

03-15-2013, 01:40 PM
Time for basics!

It sounds like territorial issues. Does he bite when he's out of his cage? If not, perhaps you have a female.

When mine gives me that 'open mouth, i will bite you' posture, I put my finger up in the air and slowly wave it side to side while saying NO very firmly, then bring it towards her. That's usually enough for her to back off.

Also, let her/him say when they will come out. Lovebirds are... odd personalities.

No! He's biting OUTSIDE his cage. He's only in there for sleep. I used to cuddle him all the time when we first got him and I seriously cannot leave him for an hour to do chores or he'll freak out because I have to put him in his cage.

When my husband gets home he usually crawls on us, snuggles and preens but lately he goes out of his way to attack our ears, nose and lips. he used to only nibble and snuggle.

My husband suggests that I spoiled him too much and I should leave him alone for a day or half. But I think it'd make it worse. If it helps, he is 4 months and some weeks old.

03-15-2013, 06:23 PM
Hrm. Perhaps you need to work on boundaries. Starting from the ground up. Make him work to step up, do not let him decide where he goes.


She has some awesome articles written onthings like aggression and such. I suggest reading them, as she's much better at explaining things than I am.

I started following some of her tips, and Athena is much easier to understand now. :) You want to be a flockmate, not a chewtoy.