View Full Version : Why do they do the things they do

10-20-2005, 11:31 AM
I have a silver that every time she is out flys straight to the other room. To a cage that i have a pair laying in. She will just hang out and look at them. I have other lovebirds in the room she is in. In other cages. I have her paired up. She will leave him in heart beat to get to the other cage. Why does it do this?

10-20-2005, 12:12 PM
Maybe she is watching to learn how to be a mommy? I have no idea. my birds are in one room with door shut.


10-20-2005, 12:19 PM
Lovebirds are nosy. Peachfaces are notoriously nosy and can get aggressive toward other birds (and people) while nesting. Your silver probably wants to know what is going on in that cage and nesting box, and given the chance, would get right in there and try to kick the current residents out. She very well may be looking for a nestbox of her own as well.
If she is continuously doing this, maybe clip her wings so she can't do it or not allow her access to that other room.

10-21-2005, 04:09 PM
My breeder pair have laid eggs, the other two pair when out of the cage continually go to the breeder pair's cage and nest box on the outside and harass the breeder pair. Must be a territorial thing or survival of the fittest.
I have to keep close watch on them and run them off when they get too close. For the most part I've had to limit out of cage time for the lovebirds because of the harassment. Poor Tweety has been so upset and protective anyway...and has bitten me really good twice. I'll really have to be careful when I start playing with the babies!