View Full Version : Chitter Chatter

03-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Athena's most endearing trait right now - Talking back when you whistle. She'll start repeating the rhythm, occasionally it sounds EXACT.

I've taught her a few whistle patterns, but she still hasn't gotten the 'wolf whistle' right.

Also, I discovered yesterday that she loves unflavored popcorn. LOVES it. Everytime I would give a tiny piece, she did this little two-part whistle that sounded like a very high pitched 'thank you'.

It was so cute.

03-23-2013, 05:33 PM
Plain popcorn is one of Gems favorites as well, and he has that same little two note chirp that sounds like thank you. It's cool that you've got Athena mimicking you... I'm working with Gem, but it's been a slow process as I don't whistle very well. He does have a very rough ambulance siren down though (we live beside a highway and the hospital is about three blocks away... he gets enough of them to listen to)

03-24-2013, 02:01 AM
It's adorable. :) I absolutely love it. She's definitely better at 'vocal' training than at hand training.

03-24-2013, 06:28 AM
Sounds like Athena is excelling at human slave training!!! Seriously, though, I'm so glad that all is going so well. Lovebirds tend to get a bad rap because they can be fiesty. Quite frankly, it's that one trait that I find so very endearing. :)

I've been know to make a large pan of just plain popcorn and my entire aviary has a popcorn party! They have fun and it's good for them to have it.