View Full Version : two pairs of love birds....trying to understand them?

03-24-2013, 12:24 AM
Hello...I have two pairs of lovies..One are peach faced and the other are fishers with white rings around the eyes. They were around 6 months old when I aquired them and they are now a year old....The pair of peach faced easily got used to humans and are a little bit more out going and will fly to you and let you touch them... The fischers just stays inside the nest box all day...and if they are outside the nest box, once they see somebody they hurry to get in.

My peach faced recently showed signs of breeding and actually mated a few times and would feed each other...I recently transfer them to a bigger cage that I have made wich is 30 square inch box...Lots of room....I notice a change of behavior after I moved them to the new cage... They dont mate anymore, the female got teritorial of the nest box and wont let the male eat with her when its feeding time. The male kinda like have to steel food behind her back....But they always feed each other and sleeps in the nest box together.

My fischers, no signs of breeding, does not fight with each other, eats together but not a lot. When i place nesting material in the cage, it will all be gone by the afternoon when i get back....

Im confused with this.....help

03-24-2013, 04:40 PM
Soo many possibilities here, so I will start with one basic question.

Are these proven or DNA'ed "pairs"?

03-25-2013, 12:23 PM
No they r not. But I'm going to get the one fron this company from florida

03-25-2013, 12:30 PM
It's my best guess that your Fischer's are actually a pair of males. Fischer's will build very elaborate nests if you have a pair. Sounds like yours have been together long enough to be doing something unless they are just plain uncomfortable with their location. Check the eyes (just the eyes, themselves). Males tend to have round eyes, while females tend to have almond shaped ones. When I'm looking for Fischer's breeding stock, I use this method when a breeder can't tell me or the birds have not been DNA sexed. I would never sell lovebirds sexed this way but it's been good for just what I need.

Your Peachies most likely just need time to get used to the new cage. I would DNA sex them to see what you have. You may not have to get any more lovebirds if you potentially have what you need. :)