View Full Version : Flock update

03-24-2013, 04:41 AM
I haven't been on here in a while. I thought I'd let everyone know how my birds are doing (I'll have to get some pictures up sometime soon) :)

The birds are very well. Meeko and Rosie share a cage and spend most of the day cuddling up to each other and having a little fly. Sweetpea and Mango share a cage and are best buds also but they have their little arguments (I think Mango is the problem, she's very sweet but can be a bit fiesty) they play with their toys most of the day. Marley and Baby are also great and Marleys got over her nesty behaviour although these two LOVE to shred anything. Peaches and Rio also share a cage and are very sweet together.

Rio is a blackmasked, I am not breeding any of my birds right now because its not a great time for me being at college some days of the week so I wouldn't be able to give babies the extra love and care they need and I'm happy that my flock are great right now. Specifically I'm not breeding Rio and Peaches because that would create hybrids. Other than that Rio and Peaches are good friends which is great for them because rio was in his own cage and peaches was in hers after both their partners died so they were both alone. They get on great :)

Finally Rainbow and Tooki (my Rosella's) are great also. Tooki and Rainbow had to be seperated because Tooki bullied rainbow so that she could only sit on the water bowl. Rainbow has her own cage now. Tooki now accepts food from me and rainbow is alot happier. The Aviary is STILL being built, I'm lucky enough to be getting heating and lighting in there so I can wait a little longer. Our garden is on a slope so it made everything alot harder to do, a lot of digging. Can't wait for the lovies to go in the aviary! they will LOVE it. :happy: I'll probably sepereate a bit off for tooki because I can't trust him in an aviary with the lovies, Marley landed on his cage and Tooki (never done this before) Lunged at Marley full force. Marley was fine no injuries at all. It would of been nasty otherwise. I'm keeping all birds away from tooki when they are out :mad:

Its also my birthday today :bday2: meaning all birthday money goes towards the birds haha. I honestly like buying them toys. I'm thinking of buying some toy making parts so i can make them and if the birds want, they can help. :lol

03-25-2013, 08:54 AM
What a wonderful update! .. Especially nice to hear that Reo and Peaches, despite their losses, have ultimately found each other. As for Tooki and Rainbow, i'm assuming they still share time together? Well, it seems there's always one over zealous bird in the bunch, and it sounds like Tooki is it :lol. .. It would be great to see some new pics of your flock. Certainly, a grand tour of the new aviary, birds included, would be an absolute treat. .. Please keep us updated. .. And of course; Happy belated Birthday! ............:)