View Full Version : Tell Your Legislators NO on HR 996!!!!!!!

03-24-2013, 11:56 AM
This needs to get everyone's attention in the US so I will be posting it in several areas! HR 996 is the Invasive Fish and Wildlife Prevention Act and it was introduced by Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY) on March 6, 2013.

H.R. 996 seeks to set up an “accepted” (white) list of common domesticated pets and livestock, and an “unaccepted” (black) list; that by default would be everything not included on the “accepted” list.... Hundreds of species could be criminalized as to import and interstate transport ... and be subject to sanctions under the Lacey Act. ...''

The *only* excluded birds are chickens, ducks, geese, and... the canary-?!
Proposed for existing populations of non excluded "invasive" species":
FORFEITURE and DISPOSAL. Birdkeepers had been concerned about the effect of yet-to-be established AWA regs for birds. That issue will become moot if H.R.996 passes as written: there will not be any pet birds (other than canaries.)
Here is a link for those of you who want your voices to be heard:

You can trust that I've already taken action on this and that includes sending a hard copy letter to each of my 3 state representatives! The Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992 was devestating but this could eliminate non-native birds within the US.

I'm cross posting this from Bird Breeder-Hobbyist. Permission is given to cross post as necessary and share with friends/family.