View Full Version : Flock Update

03-24-2013, 06:17 PM
Everybody here is doing well.

Frey and Odie continue to grow into birds with more and more amazing personalities. I can have two fuzzy-feathered attendants any time I want them. One day they decided they didn't want rides to their bed at night anymore and stopped begging for them, but they still want rides around the rest of the house and will jump on as soon as the door is open. They are the ultimate preen machines of the flock.

The parrotlets are doing well. Benny has mellowed a bit. Sayuri spends a LOT of time preening herself in the mirror. (She doesn't talk to the mirror or seem to think its another bird, she just looks at herself and preens.) She is a very beautiful little lady. Their offspring, Fili who was the runt, has really come into her own. She was afraid of everything and very submissive, now she is well-adjusted and happy. Ori continues to pick, as she has plucked at everything and anything she can get her beak on, be it herself or her siblings, since the nest, but she doesn't hurt herself and actually lays off her feathers if we keep rotating her toys. I got her a "holee roller" and fill it with shreddies so I don't have to buy new whole shred toys every other day. It works well and is good for recycling bits of toy parts. Also she lays off herself in lieu of a big toy covered with feathers. I visited Ruki and Dori last night and clipped their wings. Once the clipping was finished with, they were very happy to see me and both they and their environment looked really healthy. I'm happy for them.

Kokoro is still Koko-bee. I think two of the most adorable things he's done lately are: learn the inspector gadget theme song, only using "inspecta Koko" (he doesn't do it perfectly but its recognizable and cute). This morning Chris said his back hurt and he was uncomfortable, and Koko said "Oh my god! That's not good!" and hopped to Chris (he will usually take rides from Chris if it is convenient, or climb on him when he's "asleep" in the bed, of course with me right there, and getting a poke and warning from me that there's a bird on him, but otherwise not so much) and started nuzzling him and giving him kisses. He's funny and sweet, and still frequently surprises me with how much he understands.