View Full Version : New birds

04-18-2013, 02:38 AM
Hey guys,

I got two lovebirds about 2-3 weeks ago. It's a male and a female (The person I bought them from is a breeder and I'm just trusting her judgments) and I think they are just under 6 months old and have never been handled before I got them.

I got a relatively large cage for both of them and I have it on my desk, so I spend a lot of time sitting next to them/talking to them. I also let them out of their cage to fly around the room. (Their wings aren't clipped, but I'm considering it)

So yes, I had them for a bout 3 weeks and they still freak out even when I just look at them. Every time I open their cage(to let them out or to just change their food/water) they get scared and fly all over the cage. I always talk tot them and when I'm around them, I try to move slowly so I won't scare them. I have no idea what else I can do. They seem exactly the same as they were when I bought them.

Also, I got them some dried fruit and cuttlefish but they don't know what to do with them. I also tried to give them some apple but they wouldn't eat it and just ignore it (I put it in their food bowl and they just ignore it). So how do I get them to eat those things or just introduce it to them?

Thank you. (:
Also, sorry for my english, it's not my first first language.

04-18-2013, 07:18 AM
The time it takes to become accepted as part of their flock is limitless. Sometimes this happens right away, other times it takes weeks or months. At only 2-3 weeks, it really is quite early yet. Pairs especially can be a bit more trying, however, if you can get one to come around, the other will usually follow. .. As for their diet. Lovebirds won't always readily accept new foods. In fact, it can take weeks before they'll finally try something new. (I generally offered each new food for about a week) Good introductory foods to offer "one at a time" are usually, broccoli, carrots, corn, millet, and a leafy green such as kale. Fruits, although not the most popular among lovebirds, can still be offered every so often. Just don't leave any fresh foods lying around for more than two hours, else you might introduce some new form of bacteria. As for the cuttlefish, you can leave that attached to their cage forever.... just make sure you dust it off ever now and then.

If possible, see if you can keep them flighted for a few more months. This helps build good coordination, as well as good flight skills. On the other hand, if in keeping them fully flighted you feel there are any safety issues such as injury or escape, then by all means effect a good wing trimming. Just be sure its one that limits flight as opposed to eliminating it. .........:)