View Full Version : HELP!! I don't know what to do anymore

04-25-2013, 09:58 PM
we brought a hand raised hand feed fischer lovrbird about a week ago he is about 3-4 months old to start with he was fine but now He won't let me get him out of the cage at all, and he won't come out in his own accord, I have no idea what to do now, as I don't want him going backwards in terms of friendliness. I hate him staying in the cage all day but I can't do anything, and when I try and grab him out he just bites me (not sure of sex I just refer to him as a he). :confused::cry:

04-25-2013, 11:23 PM
Does Rio have a cozy or nestbox etc? Please provide more details. .. Such behavior is indicative of a young hen who is finally reaching maturity. Regardless, forcing yourself upon your lovebird by grabbing onto it leaves little choice but to protect itself.

04-25-2013, 11:26 PM
No he doesn't, but how do I get him to stay tame when he only wants to stay in the cage

04-26-2013, 10:26 AM
we brought a hand raised hand feed fischer lovrbird about a week ago he is about 3-4 months old to start with he was fine but now He won't let me get him out of the cage at all, and he won't come out in his own accord, I have no idea what to do.........

Imagine one day suddenly finding yourself in an environment where everything and everybody once recognized is now totally different. No doubt, this is how your new lovebird feels. .. On top of this, your young Rio is soon to become an adult, and with that, comes hormones that will likely keep him/her preoccupied with the natural instinct to breed.

How this all plays into taming a lovebird can vary considerably from bird to bird. Females (hens) for instance, can be a little more difficult simply because they are more inclined towards protecting their territorial nesting site. Hence, the reason I asked if you supplied a cozy or nestbox, was that if your going to attempt to socialize her, its better to do without them. Males on the other hand, although in general a bit more lenient, I would still sway from supplying anything fuzzy or cozy, at least until you's get to know each other a little better.

Having just introduced yourself to Rio in such fashion that may have been more grevious than inviting, I would begin a new taming process that involves nothing more than socialization, along with the offering of food. At least let him get used to his new surroundings, and all the new sounds that come with it, before you stick those scarey hands into the only place he feels safe and secure. After a couple weeks or so (and again this varies from bird to bird), see if you can get him to step up onto a wooden dowel or perch. .. Most important, is to understand, aside from there being no timelines when it comes to building trust, is parrots especially, are more apt to come around when they can do so at their own pace. .........:)

04-26-2013, 06:24 PM
Ok, thanks so much for you help, I'll give him some time now and see where we go from there

05-11-2013, 06:16 AM
My lovebird also went through a huge change from the transition home. I spent some time with the door opened talking to her and eventually she would come to the door. She developed a fear of my hands but loved sitting on my shoulder so I stood next to the cage and she wold jump on my arm, after a while I moved my arm lower and now she hops on my hand with ease. Good luck.