View Full Version : more babies

05-24-2013, 08:44 AM
well kiwi and tweety bird are at it again, i kept them from mating for just over a year (no shreading toys and dark at night,) kiwi laid the 4 egg yesterday right on schedule, her last clutch was 6 and 5 survived (kept all of them) and her clutch before that 2 survived (kept them) and then pig and erinie are from a different mom and dad, since kiwi and twitty bird are brothers lol, i have to make sure their babies dont mate, i have all the boys 6 together in one cage and the 3 girls in another cage, amazingly the 3 girls dont fight and get along fine. since pig and ernie are the only available non related bachlors i would like them to pick a mate out of the three girls, seems erine has picked sue (male) for his mate though :clap

05-24-2013, 09:30 AM
amazingly the 3 girls dont fight and get along fine.
I LOVE exceptions when they are working well!!!

Sometimes my goal of no babies doesn't work out quite the way I want it to, either. I've got that one adorable baby that hatched on the bottom of the cage that's doing just great. With our economy the way it is, this one is my newest keeper. I can't, in all good conscience, let someone have my birds, as I never know that they will not be rehomed again. Promises are all too often broken and circumstances continually change, even my own, just not that drastically!

05-26-2013, 08:28 AM
egg #5, i sure hope they are done:whistle:

05-26-2013, 08:52 AM
Take 5 but expect 8.........